Alex Aver

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since Jul 09, 2005
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Recent posts by Alex Aver

i want to set up true permissions (owner, group and guest) for JBoss on Linux-SuSE.
Could you tell to me correct values.

Is there any differense between permissions for JBoss files (conf, lib etc) and deployed apps?
19 years ago
Probably u must unpack zip? ;-)
19 years ago
U can write your own appender and use it in log4j.
U need to override setFile() method only.
19 years ago
Hi, Vanchi,

Your application tries to load a native library called (Linux) or lwjgl.dll (Windows).
Check to see if this file exists and what it's file permissions are.
This problem most often shows up because the file does not exist, has incorrect file permissions, or can not be located by the JVM.

Under Linux set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Under Windows set PATH.
19 years ago