Devender Thareja

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 14, 2005
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Recent posts by Devender Thareja

Welcome Chad!! The title of your book is very interesting and promising.

15 years ago
Hi Reto Meier and other experts,

What has better performance, the XML layout or API based dynamic views?


15 years ago
Also T-mobile is working on a home phone based on Android. That would be interesting..
15 years ago
Welcome Reto !!
15 years ago
Welcome Jon.
15 years ago
Welcome Jon.
15 years ago
Does Agilian provide Java code generation feature and reverse engineering from Java code?
Thanks for you reply guys.
Another question:
Is it possible to reverse engineer a sequence diagram from java code using Agilian?
Hi Rain Wong,

Could you please provide you perspective on how Agilian is better then StarUml?


Congrats to all lucky winners.
15 years ago
The AM/FM radio requires special receiver which I believe is not there in G1.
"Internet Radio" can be programmed to access. There should already be something for that.
15 years ago