Debojit Nag

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since Jul 19, 2005
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Recent posts by Debojit Nag

I want to print an object of Canvas type that contains an image and few strings and this will be a printing through Bluetooth.
17 years ago
My application needs printing support through Bluetooth and the print object is of Canvas type. Any solution? If possible, give me available source code.
Thanks in advance...
17 years ago
Hi all
Please help me out so that I could download my app *.jad file into Nokia 6230i emulator using its WAP browser. I placed the jar, jad and wml file into the server. It connects the file but failed to download. But I can access the file from browser and save the file in my PC.
Thanx in advance.

18 years ago
Hi all,
How could I save an image as wallpaper.In my app, images are downloaded from a server. User can select an image and save that image as wallpaper. I have a solution using JSR 75. Is it possible without using JSR 75? Is there any available wallpaper app open source code?

Thanks and Regards,
Debojit Nag
18 years ago
Hi Parth
A very good reference is for writing a WML file. Plz go through this. Make a *.wml file. Put this file and all the image files *.jpg etc.into a place where it can be accessed via an HTTP server. The scheme is such that:

1.From the target phone, open the Web browser. Hit the URL pointing to the *.wml. Click on the �Download� link to download the app to your phone.
2.The phone may ask some questions about whether you want to download the images, etc. Say yes to all.

Example: (Simple one)

<card id='download' title=�MyApp�>
<p>Download buddypix:</p>
<p><a href='MyApp.jpg'>Download</a></p>

Hpoe this might help u. let me know the result.

18 years ago
Hi man
Create a WML file, say myApp.wml and put this file,*.jar and the *.jad file in your into a place where it can be accessed via an HTTP server. href in the *.wml file must point the link your *.jad file.

18 years ago
Hi man
Is biuld for the Nokia emulator u r using or using the Sony Ericsson's JAD file. I think u can try with the jad file after compiling on the nokia emulator's platform.

18 years ago
Hi man,
I don't have the idea whether JSP can do this. But if u go for WML, your purpose will sure be served.

18 years ago
As per my knowledge. you can't access the device original phone book. But alternatively you can create your own phone book using PIM(JSR 75)which nothing but a small DB importing "javax.microedition.pim.PIM". Here you can create separately contact list, event list and to do list. But this db has no connection with device phone book.

18 years ago
To avoid the warning u should write this in a separate thread,ie,
run().The first query is not very clear tome. It seems that u want to retieve the strings in a text box or in a text field. To get the strings in a text box or in a text field, use getString().

18 years ago
Thanx a lot. It is working. The phone number van also be found from
System.getProperty(wireless.messaging.sms.smsc),I guess.

18 years ago
Hi all,
Could any one of you have any idea about how to get device name,ie, model number,say, Nokia 6255 and phone number. It is needed at runtime.
Thanx in advance.

18 years ago
I am developing a J2ME application using NetBeans4.0 IDE with mobilty pack 4.0. Its' good enough i guess. U can also go for NetBeans4.1 IDE with mobilty pack 4.1. Here atleast u don't have to bother for making build.xml for jar/jad.

18 years ago
First u should make this clear whether u r getting an exception or an error. Guessing for an exception, I think the server may not have the WRITE permission. So try it out with READ mode only! Also with the timeout option!, Connector.READ , false);

18 years ago