sandeep dhingra

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since Jul 30, 2005
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Recent posts by sandeep dhingra

I have to run script on Unix which after execution asks for input from the user, this is done 4-5 times. After every input the user presses the enter key.

How do I implement this using Runtime get Runtime() in my Java application?
16 years ago
I have to design a property editor in which the user will enter values for different variables, in the GUI and later the program will validate these values. It has to be through a property editor.
Anyone here please.
16 years ago
thanks every body.
16 years ago
I have an application in which data is stored in some Java object, I want this to be written to a file and this file should be a XML file, because if changes are made later to the structure of the object(a new version is developed)it is easy to convert the old file with the same structure as the new one.
Anybody here can help me in this.
16 years ago
What I want to do is catch when the user presses the cross button to close the application which is on a JFrame. Or disable this buton when there is some processing going on in some dialog box, So that the program does not end with unexpected results.
Please if anybody knows.
17 years ago
I have to show data to a client in table. i want to make two applications one on the client side and the other on the server side.
The data to the JMS topic/queue is being send by the server application, I want the client to access the JMS topic/queue and take data from there and show it to the client in a table, continuously as and when there is some new message in the message queue the table has to be updated.

How do I implement this ? Can this be done using jsp??
17 years ago
I have to show data to a client in table. i want to make two applications one on the client side and the other on the server side.
The data to the JMS topic/queue is being send by the server application, I want the client to access the JMS topic/queue and take data from there and show it to the client in a table, continuously as and when there is some new message in the message queue the table has to be updated.

How do I implement this ??
17 years ago
I want to develop a servlet which takes data from the JMS Queue/Topic and shows it to the client in a table and the table has to be updated every 30 seconds.

How can this be implemented ??

[ March 01, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
[ March 01, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Yes, Stan my client is an applet, which is showing data to the user from the database through the server.
I have to make the server so that it can handle multiple clients and store information about all the clients. The data has to be shown by querying the database every 15 seconds.
I will just look at the tutorial you mentioned.
If you can help me a bit more it would be great.
What I have found out on the internet i have written, that it can be controlled by using javascript. but i want to know that cant the refresh event be handled by using event handling in java.
17 years ago
Thank you stan.
What i want to do is exactly what you have written.
Can you help me with a little bit of code snippet of both the server and client side as to how the server socket will work on the client side and send it's port number.
while searching on the net. i found out that by using java script i can disable the refresh button by using this code

script language=java script
var a=0
function refresh()
if (116==event.key Code)
return false;

document on keydown = function (){ refresh(); }

function logout()
write your code.....
window on unload = function(){
else if(event client X >0 && event client Y<0)
else if(event.client X<0 && event.client Y<0)

but what i want to do is capture the event and when it is pressed i want to handle it according to me.
17 years ago
hi all,
i want to know that how can a client send the port number on which it is listening to the server so that the server sends data on that port number. the server here handles many clients at a time.
hi all,
please help me in this problem....
i have a applet running which is connected to the server. which is showing the data from the database.
What i have to do is to capture the refresh event and when the user presses the refresh button i have to call a function. How can i do it.
17 years ago
i am looking for a freelance project in j2ee can anybodu help me in ths?
17 years ago