cathy field

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since Aug 08, 2005
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Recent posts by cathy field

anniyan - I am sure you have a job. If you don't want to read Shashi's post , no one is forcing you to do so. Why should you be stopping him ?

I would encourage Shashi to keep trying till he has a job. Good Luck!
19 years ago
Consider this:
Your boss has assigned you some work(A), which you don't like to do. You have other things to do which you like. Your boss doesn't ask you about (A) for 20-30 days (or may be never asks). Would you still finish (A), just because you have to do or procrastinate indefinetly till s/he inquires?

I am not sure if this is appropriate for this forum, if not please move.

Thanks a lot!
19 years ago