This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum. We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line! See this thread for details.
I want to store a file as a CMP field of an CMP entity bean. How would I do this? Will it kill the scalability of my entity bean if I store a file in it?
I try to find out a way to process results from a database query in my jsp.
I have a servlet that performs the query, but what should I do with the ResultSet? - Store it in the http session and fetch it from my jsp? - Run through it and store the records in an arraylist and store the arraylist in the http session and process it in my jsp? - Have the servlet create html to show in the jsp? - Some other solution...?
I have a class called that contains a number of static final constants.
When I try accessing them by ${Constants.CONST_NAME}, nothing is returned. I have also tried creating a getCONST_NAME() method in the class but this does not return anything either.
If I use <%= Constants.CONST_NAME %> the correct value is returned.
Is the root of my problem that I have missed something, or can it be some kind of setting on my Tomcat server I have not set?