meera jan

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since Aug 30, 2005
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Recent posts by meera jan

to adjust th size of the div to the size of column of the table what should i do?because i am placing the controls as 2 columns in each row.first column is the label and second is the i have to fit the div in the second column of a particular row.Now because of the div,that particular column is getting enlarged.
hi all,
Here i will describe my problem.
In a webpage,I have alot of controls.One of them is the selection of countries.For that i have to display all the countries from the database.
In my jsp page i have the countrylist in requestscope.I want to iterate the collection to display it.My problem is,for each item in the list,i have to display a checkbox sothat user can select that country.
Overall,I have to dispaly the list inside a div tag so that each row contains 5 countries and should provide the scrollbars so that user can scroll down the countries for selection.I was able to do that,but scrollbars is not coming.Without scrollbars the total list is displaying and the entire page is getting enlarged.Does anyone got what i am trying to explain?Please suggest any idee to do the same.
thanx for the kind help.I tried to use the HV menu in my application.But whenn i use the one whithout framest,it is working.but one with frameset is not working.It is not giving any error.But the menu is not coming.I did what they have specified in the install-frames.htm.any one tried with that?what may be the problem?
If I remove frameset,how can I create a layout like that.I searched alot for pulldown menu which supports frameset.but didn't get one .anyone can help me?
It is not select.A pulldown menu created by using some javascripts.The probelm is,when the pulldown appears since the body frames is there,that menu is not at all visible.
hi all,
In my application home page is divided into header,body and footer.
In between header and body i am putting one pull down menu.The menu is coming ,but it is not appearing infront of the body,instead it is coming behind the body.Is there any way so that menu frame appears above body?
what i am using is A single frameset and inside 4 frames for header,menu,body anf footer.
sorry for postiong this in this forum.just ignore it
18 years ago
hi all,
In my application home page is divided into header,body and footer.
In between header and body i am putting one pull down menu.The menu is coming ,but it is not appearing infront of the body,instead it is coming behind the body.Is there any way so that menu frame appears above body?
what i am using is A single frameset and inside 4 frames.
18 years ago
In my form ,i have a table with thead and tbody.Can i put one more tables inside tbody?
in the sample ,they are using one tld named taglib.tld
.From where i will get it?should i download something?
18 years ago
hi all,
Can i be able to create a tree structure in jsp.I mean.Parent node and child nodes.Expanding the parent displays the childs,and also be able collapse it..Data is loaded from database.Any idea?pls help me..thanks
18 years ago
Hi all,
i have one more doubt to clear.
what i am using is the getElementById method(refer my previous post).But i think it won't work with Mozilla.Is there any alternative which works in all browsers...
Hi all,
In my jsp page i am iterating a collection using <c:forEach> and displaying it in a table as rows.Suppose if i click a row,i want to change the color of the row.How can I do that...
what i know is,
I set the id attribute of each row as the loop goes..and pass the id of the row to a function which is called on onclick.Inside that functin how can give change color code.
function fnsetRow(rowId){

var table = document.getElementById("listTable"); //this is the table id
var rows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");

but it is not working...what is the me.
[ June 22, 2006: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Yes martin,I tried it.If SUNDAY is replaced by SATURDAY ,it will give all the Saturdays.But what i want is only the 1st saturdays,2nd saturdays...and so on.Is it possible with this.
18 years ago