Vicki Amin

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since Aug 31, 2005
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Recent posts by Vicki Amin

I didn't realize that you were facing errors during the zipping process since you mentioned in your post that you get the error while generating the report.

I have used this snippet of code earlier in projects where we have zipped up decent sized excel files (data represented as objects) - upto 30 megs with a max heap size set to 512 megs. Is this something similiar that you have on your end?

14 years ago

How are you exporting it to Excel? One of the workarounds would be (in case your excel is not too complicated) be to write the data to the file system in a CSV format and then push it using a servlet to the browser with application/ as the MIME type. This way you would not be utilizing a lot of heap memory. In case the excel size is huge; you could consider zipping it up before you push it to the browser.
14 years ago

14 years ago
Try this

14 years ago
Hi Deepa,

How about passing the XML message as a JMS ByteMessage?

14 years ago
Hi Deepa,

How about passing the XML message as a JMS ByteMessage?

14 years ago

Try this; using portal tag libs.

and this is the taglib declaration


15 years ago
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the prompt reply. That actually makes a lot of sense. Would you know of any connection param's that I can use to reduce the round trips? One more question; would doing a simple also involve a round trip to the server?

15 years ago

Hi Ranchers,

I am running the below code to retrieve some results from an LDAP server and iterate through them. The problem is that the LDAP query itself takes just 0.25 seconds but the iteration is taking around 9 seconds. Any clue as to what I might be doing wrong over here?

15 years ago

Try and see if the JNDI name exists. You need to search for the IBMUTC.ear file in the installation directory of WAS and install it. You can now access your JNDI browser from <a href="http://<yourwebspheremachine>/UTC/index.jsp." target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://yourwebspheremachine/UTC/index.jsp. Do a lookup for the JNDI name and see if its present.

[ July 31, 2008: Message edited by: Vicki Amin ]
15 years ago
Hi Pankaj,

Try this. File>Export> Select the WAR file option and select the web project you want to export as a WAR file.

15 years ago
I am now able to read the ACL's stored in the default ACL tables using the following bean definiations...

The next step is to somehow use the aclManager bean in the following bean...

Any help here is appreciated!!

- Vicki.

I am using Acegi 1.0.5. I want to load and use the ACL's dynamically at runtime from the ACL tables acl_object_identity, acl_permission which are standard Acegi tables.

I am able to load the ACL's from the database using the following bean definitions.

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
<property name="driverClassName" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/>
<property name="url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001"/>
<property name="username" value="sa"/>
<property name="password" value=""/>

<bean id="userAclService" class="org.acegisecurity.acl.basic.jdbc.JdbcDaoImpl">
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="dataSource"/>

The next step is to replace/modify the following bean definition where the ACL's are clearly hard coded.

<bean id='securityInterceptor' class='org.acegisecurity.intercept.method.aopalliance.MethodSecurityInterceptor'>
<property name='authenticationManager' ref='authenticationManager'/>
<property name='accessDecisionManager' ref='accessDecisionManager'/>
<property name='objectDefinitionSource'>

Any ideas how do I get this done?

try explicitly putting the log4j.xml file in the classpath.
can you send the pdf for test 252.
my mail id is vicki.amin at
thanks a ton