shubangini Dave

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since Mar 06, 2001
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My GUI runs like this.I've 2 main panels on a frame.Frame is set to BorderLayout and the main panels are added to the frame.
first panel set above on the frame is set to gridLayout.
The first panel has 4 subpanel having comboboxes ant textfield.
Problem 1) when the GUI is activated I get a blank screen and then when I resize the frame using window maximize(-)
I get the proper Layout comboboxes and textfield.
how to rectify this?
Problem 2) How to add a JTable to the second mainPanel?
tried many things but didn't work.
Do anyone faced with a similar problem address my query?
Thanks in advance.
I would like to use collections for search criteria.
How to get a hashmap to search columnwise?
Hashmap store key value pairs which is easy for hardcoded
How to search for a value eg SFO in the column wise search?
Can anyone help me?