Rajendra Pachouri

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since Sep 16, 2005
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Recent posts by Rajendra Pachouri

Actually i wants implement Stateful ejb on websphere but i have problem with
JNDI services
please gave
complete JNDI name and Url provider for IBM websphere application server
please help me.
Please check u r program code and all method must be call by value.
actually never work on wml but u should chek u r program and if u r give method call by refrence so that time u program will no work properly.
I wanna communication between servlet and Ejb so please gave some tips and how i will manage both ejb and servlet.
1. Structure(Directory)
2. XML file (which type)
3. and how will they communicate
4. if possible then some sample code
i have some knowledge of websphere .
implement jsp and servlet. and jsp but how can uri and url.
how we use command prompt in the websphere plz help me. rajendra@kengroup.co.in
19 years ago
JDBC connection pooling related with the performace of server and your webapplication that why we use the connection pooling .
Actualy in connection pooling we gave connecton to database with server and to application we gave refrence of server . So same connection can be give in no.of application so performace increase.
there is neccesary to set path or enviorment variable in the Ibm websphere
if then gave complete path.
as per my knowledge this is not necceseary but to for higher application or safe from other error.

Originally posted by alberto gonzalez:
Hi There,

First I just want to mention that I am new to the world of servlets.
I am building a Web App and I am using the ServletContext a lot. I just wanted to know if there are any problems when doing this, does it slow the app if you store a lot of objects in the ServletContext or if this Objects are too big (although I am guessing you just store a reference to them). Is it better to create static variables?. I want to know if I am doing things the way they are supposed to be done or basically get some tips on what the best way to do things is.


19 years ago
Weblogic or IbmWebsphere.
and why.
Dear friend
i wanna communication between the sap and j2ee .Deployment over the IBM websphere . I have complete knowledge in J2EE
there is one page which is generate in the sap it may be like a
excel sheet .
this implement as web with help of websphere.
please gave suggestion
without EJB we can do this
or not.