gk anand

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since Sep 18, 2005
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I could not get to the correct solution, if possible kindly explain it here itself. I have visited your blog but could not get to the solution Eric.

I would brief out the required logic:
I am using setTimeout("location='MyPage.jsp'",1000);
which is refreshing the whole of the window, but without doing that my thread status is not being updated so kindly let me know the solution, it is very much required
Thank you in advance
Hello All
I have trouble refreshing a JSP page which waits for a thread to complete.
In the mean time till the thread is not completed, it displays a message recurringly.
I have used setTimeout(location="MyJsp.jsp",1000);
By using this whole window including the status bar is also getting refreshed or rather re-loaded, which is not what i want.
I want only the message to be recurred for which i have the logic in a function written using javascript for displaying it recurringly till the thread is running.
Thank you in advance
Hello All
I have a small code in JSP as following :

<%@ page language='java'%>
<%@ page import='java.*'%>

Java_module obj = new Java_module();
<body bgcolor="lightblue">
<form name="form1">
<input type="text" name="text1" size="100">
<input type="submit" name="enter" value="Click" onlick="return(callme())">
<script language="javascript">
function callme()
<% String s_result=obj.disp();%>
document.form.text1.value= <%= s_result%>
return false;

and the Java_module is as follows

public class Java_module
public String disp()
String str="JAVARANCH";
return str;

In general what would be the way to retrieve a string from a java method and display it in a textbox of a form in a JSP file
19 years ago
Respected Sir/Madam
I am learning JSP by my own throught some tutorials found on java.sun.org .
I have some trouble :
1.Calling one JSP file from another JSP
2.Refreshing the old jsp screen and display new data
[ September 19, 2005: Message edited by: gk anand ]
19 years ago
Respected Sir/Madam
I am learning JSP by my own throught some tutorials found on java.sun.org .
I have some trouble :
1.Calling one JSP file from another JSP
2.Refreshing the old jsp screen and display new data
[ September 19, 2005: Message edited by: gk anand ]
19 years ago