This week's book giveaway is in the Programmer Certification forum.
We're giving away four copies of OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 21 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-830 and have Jeanne Boyarsky & Scott Selikoff on-line!
See this thread for details.

kapil patel

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Recent posts by kapil patel


That is good idea. Is there any other better option ?

Moreover, where to set this property in Oracle App Server?

17 years ago
Hi friends,

We have requirements that when user clicks combo box and then enter, it should submit request.

However, when we select combo box, control is with combobox hence, I have to move focus to next element. I have created java function for that. However, my problem is following lists of events available:


Out of above, only onchange event seems possible. However, when I use this event to move focus, there is another problem. If User use mouse to select value in combobox, it works fine. But still if user does not change value and hit ENTER, I have same problem.

Moreover, If some user use keyboard to scroll through value and try to select. It will move focus when he scroll one value.

I tried all combinations but failed so far. Moreover, I tried to search on internet without success. Any guidance or idea would be much appreciated.

Anybody who has face problem and any solution would be really useful.

Kapil Patel
17 years ago

We are using Oracle App. server 10g server. Our application is so critical, we can not restart server frequently for small changes. Our client might need to change error message and other user message on regular basis. We use for messages. How we can update these messages at run time without restarting server.

I tried to copy in application folder on server, but it does not give effect. Generally, we used to do this with JBoss server, but I am new to Oracle App. server, is it possible? If possible - how?

I also searched for online help and also tutorial but no success so far. Your any input will be useful.

One probable solution is to access these messages from database, but do we have any other option if we want to use ?

thanks in advance.
17 years ago

We are using Oracle App. server 10g server. Our application is so critical, we can not restart server frequently for small changes. Our client might need to change error message and other user message on regular basis. We use for messages. How we can update these messages at run time without restarting server.

I tried to copy in application folder on server, but it does not give effect. Generally, we used to do this with JBoss server, but I am new to Oracle App. server, is it possible? If possible - how?

One probable solution is to access these messages from database, but do we have any other option if we want to use ?

thanks in advance.
17 years ago
Hi friends,

I am new to JDeveloper. I need assistance for setting up Application server with JDeveloper.

Can anyone guide or provide good material for setting up application server with JDeveloper, so I can debug and run application from JDeveloper itself.

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
Hi All,

We started using IRAD 6.0 with J2ee 1.4 and JDK 1.4.

However, our production is still supported for 1.3 only. Hence, we need to change back and forth from 1.4 to 1.3 and vice versa.

We changed all the options in IRAD at following locations. But no success so far. Any help would be appreciated. I searched on net but no success so far.

Following we changed in Windows - Preference menu:

Runtime - 1.3
Java -> Installed Jres - 1.3
J2ee - 1.3
Compiler - > Compliance & Classfiles - 1.3

Still it is pointing to 1.4 as we are able to compile code and run without failure when we use 1.4 only functions.. Such as,

However, this fails when we try with Websphere 5.0 with 1.3 version.

Thanks in advance.
Thank you all.

Is there any alternative to log4j in case if our project people reluctant to add logging facility.
17 years ago

I wanted to print message on System console from JSP page. I would not like to use System.out.println() as it is deprecated and also someone told me that it is not efficient and resume response time if we use very frequently.

I tried to search on internet without success. Your suggestion or guidance would be much appreciated.

Kapil Patel
17 years ago
If I am using tomcat server, how I can define datasource in tomcat.

kapil patel
18 years ago
Is your myValue in request scope?

Moreover, can you put exact code and answer you are getting?
I would recommend to refer to get better idea of tags and it's property
18 years ago
Sometimes adding comment in xml file weirdly create this kind of error.

<!-- -->

Check removing this kind of stff. Try it if this is the problem.
18 years ago

It is possible. However, when your jsp page loads, it does not have that List set. You have to set that list before your jsp loads. there are two ways:

In jsp page, at the top you can write following code or you can call other action to load List so this jsp page can use list of the form...

if(request.getParameter() == null) {
ActionForm form = new ActionForm();

Hope, you have got idea, if you have still query fill free to ask.

"Either do it with 100% commitment or do not do it, because almost is not enough"
18 years ago

Few things you might need to consider. If you have not, please check it out:

1> You need default constructor in all VO.

Moreover, can you submit your full code if possible. Use INstant UBB Code opation so it can be readable.


I have similar problem. I am reseting form using javascript. However, it displays again to all previously entered field values.

In my case, I am populating some selection options using another action. And submit jsp page for another action.

thanks in advance
kapil patel
18 years ago
I have got one problem. I was trying for very long but still no success.

I am filling up various selection optins from database using action (VolunteerRegiInitAction) and forwarding to jsp page (volunteerRegistration.jsp). From there, it submit for another action (). Everything is working fine. However, when I submit form with some wrong validated value, it shows errors - that is fine.

However, after showing errors, when I reset page using <html:reset /> it reset to previous submitted value. Please can you give idea if you know where I am wrong.


Thank you very much in advance. It is working perfactly fine.

kapil patel

"Either do it with 100% commitment or do not do it, because almost is not enough"
18 years ago