Ricky Ignatius

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since Oct 09, 2005
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Recent posts by Ricky Ignatius

1 voucher left, first come first serve.
16 years ago
New limited stock, expired date: 10/29/2008
Price: $150
16 years ago
Hi Aseem,
I suggest to read some good java books (head first is the best one), do some test coding, do as much as mock exam as posible.
For time frame, its depend on how much time you spend for study.
I took about 2 months partime preparation (1-2 hours/workday).
Practise the mock exams, if you score around 80% then you are ready.

Good luck,

-Ricky [SCJP, SCWCD]
Java Certification Voucher for $150
[ September 10, 2007: Message edited by: Ricky Ignatius ]
IMHO based on current job market, best choice to get is SCWCD.
EJB (SCBCD) isn't that popular anymore since POJO more popular right now.
After that you can go for web service cert.

Java Certification Voucher for $150
[ September 09, 2007: Message edited by: Ricky Ignatius ]
Hi All,
I have voucher for Java certification (CS-310-XXX) for sale.
The voucher can use to take these exams:
- Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)(CX-310-055)
- Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform (SCDJ) (CX-310-252A)
- Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) (CX-310-081)
- Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD) (CX-310-091)
- Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services (SCDJWS) (CX-310-220)
- Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD)(CX-310-110)
- Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA) (CX-310-051)

Valid until 10/29/2008

Please email for more information. (ricign at hotmail.com)



[ March 13, 2008: Message edited by: Ricky Ignatius ]
[ March 28, 2008: Message edited by: Ricky Ignatius ]
16 years ago
Hi All,
I have voucher for Java certification (CS-310-XXX) for sale.
The voucher can use to take these exams:
- Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)(CX-310-055)
- Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform (SCDJ) (CX-310-252A)
- Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) (CX-310-081)
- Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD) (CX-310-091)
- Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services (SCDJWS) (CX-310-220)
- Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD)(CX-310-110)
- Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA) (CX-310-051)

The voucher valid until 04/30/2008

Payment accepted: paypal, Money Order/check (USA only), direct deposit (USA only).

Please email for more information. (ricign at hotmail.com)


16 years ago
Hi All,
I have some java certification voucher for sale.
They can be use for these certification:

- Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)
- Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD)
- Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD)
- Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services (SCDJWS)
- Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD)

The voucher valid until 04/30/2008
Valid to use in any country.
Limited amount, first come first serve.

Please email for more information. (ricign@hotmail.com)


[ May 06, 2007: Message edited by: Ricky Ignatius ]
I have java cert voucher valid until 03/31/07.
I put it in ebay for starting price $69.99


Please contact me directly for questions.


Ricky - SCJP,SCWCD,doesnt-have-time-for-SCDJWS
17 years ago
I have java cert voucher valid until 03/31.
I put it in ebay for starting price $69.99


Please contact me directly for questions.


Wow Rajesh, 2 exam in 30 days!? that's very good.
Can you share your preparation? How many hour you study everyday?
What book, mock exam you use?

I plan go take 2 exams in 2 months, but if I can do it in 1 month it would be great.
18 years ago
Oh ya, thanks.
I saw as one expression
int i = true

Hi all,
I have doubt abt this:

int x = true ? 10 : 20 ; // ---> line 2
System.out.println (x) ; // ---> line 3

Why its compile and run correctly?


switch (2) {
case 1:
case 2: // inside here, no break
case 3: // fall throught here, no break
case 4: // fall throught here, no break

Because the code will go inside case 2 then fall through to case 3, case 4 because they dont have break statement.

Hi all,
I am currently preparing for SJCP 1.4, now practising with moc exams.
I usually miss out tricky question.
What I learn for far that you need to check these thing in order to defeat tricky question.

1. class & method modifier
2. method return type & parameter
3. capitalize case
4. == & =

Anyone like to add?

Sometimes I have read the question 3x but still miss out
Anyone have more tips to defeat tricky question.



Originally posted by A Kumar:

Here consider the term earliest...

At line 6 ...you are making the dereferencing of the object..and only after the completion of line 6 ....will the obejct be eligible for GC..
i.e. when it reaches line 7.

Not when you reach line 6..


[ November 18, 2005: Message edited by: A Kumar ]

Oh ic, thanks.
Quite tricky question, need to read very very carefully
