prasad valeti

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since Oct 18, 2005
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Recent posts by prasad valeti

I'm doing a sample example for form based authentication by using tomcat4.1 web server.

for that one i wrote some users and corresponding passwords in tomcat_users.xml.

i created two jsp's 1.default.jsp

In default.jsp page i'm taking the username and password and those values passing to login.jsp.

In login.jsp i'm taking those values from default.jsp and checking those values in userDatabase ie by defaulty maintained by tomcat for users(tomcat-users.xml).
while i'm checking(username and password) in that userdatabase i'm
getting some errors Cannot create JDBC driver of class '
' for connect URL 'null'
17 years ago
overriding concept is for only object behaviours not class level behaviours.The following example is working fine but that is not come under
overriding concept because static is class level not object level.

class A{
static void test(){
System.out.println("in class A");
class B extends A{
static void test(){
System.out.println("in class B");
class C{
public static void main(String s[]){
A a = new B();
a.test(); // in class A
A a = new A();
a.test();// in class A
B b = new B();
b.test(); // in class B
if static methods are overridden at that moment it gives "in class B " but in the above example it is giving "in class A" means here considering

the referencing A not the object(new B()).
17 years ago
Here i'm writing one example where System class ,out object & println() method are explained

class A{

static B b;

class B{
void example(){
class C{
public static void main(String s[]){
A a = new A();

A-------->System class
b--------->out is a static variable of type PrintStream
B.........>PrintStream class
17 years ago
how can i integrate jasper reports with portlets by using RAD ide.
please give me the following
requirements for doing jasper reports,
integrating procedure for jasper reports with portlets,
sample examples
17 years ago
i'm preparing for scwcd please tell me some good books & urls.if any one have good material please forward to me.This is my id
i create an application(jasper) in wasad and i set the following jar files to that application


and i create xml file like catalog.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE jasperReport
PUBLIC "-//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN"

<jasperReport name="Simple_Report">
<band height="20">
<reportElement x="180" y="0" width="200" height="20"/>
<text><![CDATA[Hello World!]]></text>
and i write a jsp file like test.jsp

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
<%@ page import="*,

System.out.println("1st statement.....");

InputStream input=new FileInputStream(new File("/catalog.xml"));

System.out.println("2nd statement.....");
JasperDesign design = JRXmlLoader.load(input);
System.out.println("3rd statement.....");
JasperReport report = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(design);

System.out.println("4th statement.....");

Map parameters = new HashMap();

catch(Exception e)
{ System.out.println("exception....."+e);
when i run the application i'm getting the errors like

package net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist
package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill does not exist

[3/30/07 10:41:34:859 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JREvaluator
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:34:859 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R public class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947 extends JREvaluator
[3/30/07 10:41:34:859 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:34:859 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:34:859 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_VIRTUALIZER = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:34:859 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:34:859 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:34:859 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_SCRIPTLET = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:34:859 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:34:875 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:34:875 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_MAX_COUNT = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:34:875 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:34:875 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:031 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:031 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:031 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:031 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_CONNECTION = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:031 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:031 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:031 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_ReportTitle = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:031 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:031 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:047 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:047 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:047 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:047 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_CLASS_LOADER = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:047 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:062 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_LOCALE = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_URL_HANDLER_FACTORY = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_DATA_SOURCE = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_TIME_ZONE = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillField field_Author = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillField field_Edition = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:094 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillField field_Title = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillField field_Publisher = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillField field_Journal = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillField field_CatalogId = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillVariable variable_PAGE_NUMBER = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillVariable variable_COLUMN_NUMBER = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillVariable variable_REPORT_COUNT = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:109 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillVariable variable_PAGE_COUNT = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:125 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:141 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:141 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R private JRFillVariable variable_COLUMN_COUNT = null;
[3/30/07 10:41:35:141 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:141 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:141 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_VIRTUALIZER = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_VIRTUALIZER");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:141 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_SCRIPTLET = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_SCRIPTLET");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_MAX_COUNT = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_MAX_COUNT");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_CONNECTION = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_CONNECTION");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_ReportTitle = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("ReportTitle");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:156 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_CLASS_LOADER = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_CLASS_LOADER");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_LOCALE = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_LOCALE");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_URL_HANDLER_FACTORY = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_URL_HANDLER_FACTORY");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_DATA_SOURCE = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_DATA_SOURCE");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillParameter
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R parameter_REPORT_TIME_ZONE = (JRFillParameter)pm.get("REPORT_TIME_ZONE");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R field_Author = (JRFillField)fm.get("Author");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:172 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:188 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:188 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R field_Edition = (JRFillField)fm.get("Edition");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:188 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:188 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R field_Title = (JRFillField)fm.get("Title");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R field_Publisher = (JRFillField)fm.get("Publisher");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R field_Journal = (JRFillField)fm.get("Journal");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillField
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R field_CatalogId = (JRFillField)fm.get("CatalogId");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R variable_PAGE_NUMBER = (JRFillVariable)vm.get("PAGE_NUMBER");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R variable_COLUMN_NUMBER = (JRFillVariable)vm.get("COLUMN_NUMBER");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:203 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:219 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R variable_REPORT_COUNT = (JRFillVariable)vm.get("REPORT_COUNT");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:219 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:219 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:219 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R variable_PAGE_COUNT = (JRFillVariable)vm.get("PAGE_COUNT");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:219 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
[3/30/07 10:41:35:219 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class JRFillVariable
location: class PDFReport_1175231494203_914947
[3/30/07 10:41:35:219 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R variable_COLUMN_COUNT = (JRFillVariable)vm.get("COLUMN_COUNT");
[3/30/07 10:41:35:219 GMT+05:30] 1fbd750f SystemErr R ^
17 years ago
is the object size is same in all operatig systems