Jitendra Kumar

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since Oct 24, 2005
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Recent posts by Jitendra Kumar

Dear Jesper,

i also answered almost what you answered. Your analogy was good, but i was looking for some technical differences. What is chassis, steering etc in JRE ? I have read both JVM and JRE being used synonimously at a lot of places.

What do other members think about this.
18 years ago
Recently I was asked about the differences between JRE and JVM in an interview. All this while I thought I was pretty much aware of it, but I didn't had a proper technical answer to it.

Any technical and important differences that any one can share ??
18 years ago

Welcome to the forum !!

I thought its better to learn complete set up for the combo in one go - Jboss, Struts and SQL Server 2000.

I am not using EJB, i am connecting to DataBase through Action Servlets.

18 years ago
I could have helped you if you were JBoss. But, I have not used websphere. If you want to take some hints... you can see the topic "Struts 1.1 issue (myEclipse+Jboss 3.2.5+SQL Server 2000)". I have mentioned each and everything required for establishing connection to SQL Server using JBoss and struts.

18 years ago
Merrill Higginson,

Thanks for the response.

I was basically interested in knowing all the steps that are required to connect to a remote SQL server 2000 using Struts on JBoss.

After a night of trial and errors, I have finally established the connection.

I am listing the steps to perform this task. It may be helpful to few people.


Steps to configure JBoss for MS SQL Server database and Struts

1)MS SQL Server driver classes are required in the Classpath. Copy MS SQL Server JDBC driver class; jar files mssqlserver.jar, msbase.jar, msutil.jar to the server/default/lib directory.

2)To configure with non-XA MS SQL Server datasource-copy /docs/examples/jca/mssql-ds.xml to /server/default/deploy directory.

3)To configure with MS SQL Server XA datasource copy /docs/examples/jca/mssql-xa-ds.xml to /server/default/deploy dir. Modify mssql-ds.xml configuration file. Driver Class and Connection URL settings for MS SQL Server JDBC Drivers are as follows:
3.1) <driver-class>com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver </driver-class>
3.2) <connection-url> jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=MyDatabase

4) To configure with XA JDBC driver for MS SQL Server modify the mssql-xa-ds.xml configuration file.
4.1) <driver-class>com.microsoft.jdbcx.sqlserver.SQLServerDataSource</driver-class>

5)The standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml configuration file is configured with Hypersonic database. To configure JBoss server with MS SQL Server modify /server/default/conf/standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml configuration file.

6)Make the changes as:
<datasource-mapping>MS SQLSERVER2000</datasource-mapping>

7) Modify login-config.xml configuration file with MS SQL Server database settings. Add the following <application-policy/> element to login-config.xml.

<application-policy name = "MSSQLDbRealm">
<login-module code = "org.jboss.resource.security.ConfiguredIdentityLoginModule" flag = "required">
<module-option name = "principal">sa</module-option>
<module-option name = "userName">sa</module-option>
<module-option name = "password">password</module-option>
<module-option name = "managedConnectionFactoryName">jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=MSSQLDS>

By modifying the mssql-ds.xml, standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml and login-config.xml the JBoss 4.0 server is configured to be used with a MS SQL Server database.

8)Download these two files to use data connection using Struts and copy them to the server/default/lib directory.
1. Commons-pool-1.2.jar
2. Commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar


18 years ago
What server are you using ??
18 years ago
I am writing this topic after spending a lot of time struggling with the stuff mentioned in subject line.

My Setup

1. myEclipse IDE
2. Struts Version 1.1
3. JDK 1.5
4. Jboss 3.2.5 (Moderator - Please don�t shift this to Jboss forum :-( )
5. SQL Server 2000 (This server is running on a remote win 2000 server)

I am developing this application on a win 2K prof environ.

The Requirement:

Using the above I simply want to print the records of any table in my SQL Server 2K DB.

The problem:
I am not able to do the above. I have tried changing some files in Jboss. I have copied some jars of DB Drivers in WEB-INF/lib folder etc.

If any of you are using the above environment or have knowledge about the same then please tell me the procedure in steps to achieve the above mentioned target.

Thanks in advance

Jitendra Kumar
18 years ago
The problem has been solved. Thanks everyone for your responses.

Solution: myeclipse ide was not packing the image file while deploying on to Jboss. It created new image folder and put the image file again in that and it worked.It was a silly mistake, I should have checked it earlier.
18 years ago
I am developing a Struts project using myeclipse IDE. In this I have developed a JSP page using struts tags. I want to insert an image on this page. For doing this I have used these two options:

1. <html:img src="images/struts-power.gif" />
2. <html:img align="" alt="" border="" page="/images/struts-power.gif"

Also note that, i have used all the possible permutation/combinations for the image path. So there is no possibility of using a wrong root. It seems that there is some other configuration error

The directory structure of my application is CMSystem/WebRoot/images/...
CMSystem/WebRoot/WEB-INF/... The context is CMSystem folder.

But, none of the above is showing the image on viewing in browser. I am using JBOss 3.2.5.

Please let me know what mistake I am doing.
18 years ago
I know Harry !! But, its not money ! Its policy.

Anyway, i am trying to get a license. I understand that you highly recommend myeclipse. Right ??
18 years ago
OK !! Thanks for reply
18 years ago
I am in the initial phase of development of a web based project using struts. I intend to use eclipse as my IDE and JBoss as the server.Which tools and plugins can i use that will make my work simpler and faster.

I can't buy myeclipse as my company will not sponsor it. Is there any good plugin available with which i can even generate the getter/setter methods and the form beans.

I downloded WTP version of eclipse, but it doesn't have in built support for Struts!

Please guide me.
18 years ago
Could you please emphasize on current requirements ??
18 years ago
What about people working in India without any H1-B ??
18 years ago