Josh Rema

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since Oct 26, 2005
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Recent posts by Josh Rema

Thank you guys for all the advice. I believe I will look at the most common checked and unchecked exceptions and try to memorize; as well as, have a good understanding as to why they are being thrown. thx again
I understand that, but how can you tell with out memorizing all the exceptions that are subclassed under checked exceptions.
Checked and Unchecked exceptions how can you tell the difference.
Thanksfor the advice and congratson passing; I know the exam is no joke. Ifyou would can you please email me you notes Thank you.
I know nothing about servlets and jsp can anyone recommend some books to me. If you have any advice on how to tackle it I will accept that to. Thank you. I love this site.
Thank you, for now I will finish reading the Head First Java by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates which covers 5.0.I really want to take and pass the test by February. Thank you again.
If anyone has recommendations on book to help me pass the 310-055 exam please let me know. Thank you.
If anyone can recommend a book or books to help me pass the scjp2 edition 5 exam 310-055 please let me know. Thank you.
18 years ago