Sarath Mohan

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since Mar 17, 2001
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Recent posts by Sarath Mohan

What is EJB session? Do you mean Session Bean? I think Servlet Session are purely managed Servlet Container which enable us to state of each HTTP Request .
18 years ago
I think for request from for different user would create a unique session ID which would help us to find out unique user
18 years ago
I think need to configure you SMTP server.
Or can put your sending process in a thread which would sleep for sometime after a batch has been sent
18 years ago
Create a form with out any buttons.
Submit this thru java script. You can easily use POST
18 years ago
web server may cache the content. You have to configure the web server to reset the cache. Through heades I think we can do this
18 years ago
First must have very good idea about Java Web Application Architecuture. How you can configure and use servlets, web.xml, web-app directory structure etc. Good serverlet Container is Apache Tomcat. If you don't know these, I think it is useless even if you get ready made code

Resources, Of course

18 years ago
Are you generating HTML Form dyanamically. When the you have large dataset check the html source and verify it is generated correctly
18 years ago
How do you set up Apache as Proxy server? If you set it up as a web server and you access this server from some other machine in the network, surely u will get remote IP
18 years ago
I think it is not possible.
How do you get a session while a servlet is being initialised?
18 years ago
I didn't get 'it is not working in client side'

May be it could not be able to locate mail servers.

Apache James is good starting point for dealing with Mailing applications. It provides a free SMTP, POP server and you can test stand alone mailing apps.
18 years ago
As you said your session is getting recreated. where exactly I couldn't figure out. try with .getSession() and see why is it becoming null...

You can opt for a better design where we can avoid db connection in Session.
18 years ago
We have Java performance tuning applications like JProfiler. Google it and you can find the session size after you access each page in your application

18 years ago
Wish to add this.

By overriding the service method itself you are doing dyanamic polymorphism.
Of course, this is achieved by none other than polymorphism.

Learning the OOPs concepts thoroughly and analysing how it is implemented in different Java technology will help you a lot
18 years ago
jsp:forward is not used for submitting a form.

Use pure html Form for submitting and use use the jsp file name in the action attribute of form tag

18 years ago
Use Tomcat 5.5.x. This version is for JRE 5
18 years ago