deepika malhotra

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since Nov 21, 2005
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Is it a bubble which is going to burst?
[ January 03, 2006: Message edited by: deepika malhotra ]
18 years ago
OK, here is what I need to do. I am not sure if I need two forms.

I need to collect name address phone number etc form the user. I need this to be sent by email.

Second thing is if they choose to be joined in a mailing list by checking a check box their information should be sent to another location with some of the user entered details. This doesn't happen if user doesn't check the checkbox. In either case sending of all the user entered values by email should take place.

I was thinking there would one form in which the action is to direct the information to a cgi program which will email the information. There will be a second form which chould check the user's consent and then collect some of the details like name and email and send this to an external location where these details are maintained.

Do you mean I can submit selective details to one location and some other details to another location without using two forms? Can you explain how?


I have a html file in which I would like to have two forms. In the first form I will have a check box which if checked then the second form should take values entered by the user in the first form and submit to a location. This should not happen if the checkbox is not checked by the user. I request for an idea on how this is done in HTML.

Thanks in advance

Thanks very much Bear.
Thanks very much Bear. I will learn the language soon but for now if I need not use java I don't want to use it. No database either.

Here is what I understand. I will only need a perl script on the server side to which I will submit my forms which will then compose an email with the form data and send the email. I do not need any java to do that.

I am changing the HTMLs to JSPs. I only need to now know how I can send the form information in an emal. Appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.


Can somebody please suggest a website or a tutorial where I can pick up the stuff I need for this? I understood that I do not need all my other pages to be in jsps and can leave them as HTMLs. I am planning to change the two htmls (guest and contact forms) to jsps. I would like to know how I can avoid a database setup. I really appreciate if someone can show me preferably with an example how the values from the form can be saved to a temperary file from which the values whould be extracted and send by email. Do I need another technology to send an email ?

Thanks. Can I do without a database at all? All I want is to be able to send the form information to be emailed.I do not want it to be saved anywhere.

Thanks a lot for your time.

Oh... in that case what is the simplest way to do it? Java scares me to death. Can you please suggest the simplest way possible?

Thanks in advance,

Thanks Steve. But right now I do not want to set up a database or use any server side language. All I want is capture the information that I collect from the forms ( gues form and contact us form) which should be emailed to me in proper format directly. Can I do it by just using HTML?


I have created a basic website which is static now. I would like to add two forms - a guest registration form and a contact me form. I am not a programmer of any language but know HTML and some javascript. I request some help about what I should to capture the user data and send it by email.

(I would like to eventually create a database and store the details directly in some tables- suggest some ideas on how I can do that also).

Thanks in advance.
