Amit Sharma

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since Nov 22, 2005
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Recent posts by Amit Sharma

Hi Gregg

I am writing integration testcases and its still giving null pointer exception.

Thanks and Regards
14 years ago
I have one service class which is using grailsApplication to get some value from properties file.But while writing testcase for it , it is giving null pointer exception for grailsApplication . I have googled and found some ways but they are not working in my code. Please suggest some way to implement this.
14 years ago

can i read timeout property from database for a grail job. Which cause it to start after that time. Here i am able to get value from database but its not running. But if i gave def timeout = 1000 , its working fine

class GrailJob{

def timeout = 'value that i got from database in milliseconds'

def execute(){
println "YES its working "

14 years ago
Thanks Gregg
14 years ago
can i rename a grails application. Is there any grail command for this. I want all respective file should see the changed name.

14 years ago
Thanks Xymor Actually i was looking for something like this only
14 years ago

I have some textfields like email, name, mobile etc on a gsp page. I just want to validate them before saving in database, without using javascript at gsp page .
Is there any mechanism to do this in controller or somewhere else. And i am populating a bean by those parameters.
14 years ago
Hi David

Actually i dont have source code of that jar. So i can't debug it. But i am getting some exception within that class file. So i just want to print some information within that class. So I need something to modify it.

Is there any plugin or way to modify class files of a jar. Actually i want to add some println statements in existing class file
Thanks Very Much Gregg
14 years ago

How can i add hrrpsessionlistener in grails. I didn't find any web.xml where i can put listener mapping for listener classes. Is there any other place where i can give listener specific declarations.
14 years ago
Yes Ulf when i am clicking that link that pdf get opened in a new window(not in the browse window).
But that is not the exact solution i am looking for, actually i want to display it in browser only. Is it possible.
not able to display exact code. That was href tag
But i have adobe acrobat installed on my machine and firefox and IE7 . still i am not able to see the pdf in browser.