Nisha Soorya

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since Dec 01, 2005
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Recent posts by Nisha Soorya

Thanks for your reply. Actually the solution I was looking for is exactly like the sample application provided with jlibdiff. But I have to incorporate the same functionality into another swing application.

But without any documentation, I don't know if can possible to use the same. The only document provided with that is in French. :-( .

My application needs to be executed in Windows. So I can't use diff.
18 years ago
Is there any java API available for comparint two text files?

What I want to do is to implement the compare functionality (as in TextPad) in Java Swing. Compare, and display the changes with a different color or highlight.

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. If APIs are not available please advice me how to do this.

18 years ago
The basic operation I want to provide is to compare two xml files and display the changed nodes with different colors. then there could be renaming of some nodes, merging of nodes etc.

I created a datastructure where the children of each node is stored in a vector in that node... recursively .. so one xml file is converted in to one of such object.

The solution I'm looking for is, like when a user clicks on a node, load the immediate children of that node. But I'm not able to do that. And I found that serialization and deserialization is too slow if there are a large number of objects.
18 years ago
This solution would've been possible if the input xml files have the same schema.

But in my case input files will have different schemas. So I have to do the memory management at the data structure level.

Is there any way we can do it through object serialization?
18 years ago
That did work exactly the way I wanted. Sorry for being late to say THANK YOU. I was excited when it worked.
Hi all,

I want to read a large xml file and display graphically in swing as a tree structure.

I implemented it and works fine for files of 5MB size after increasing the jvm heap size (-Xmx). If the file size is larger than 5MB it throws out of memory error. I'm creating a custom datastructure from the xml and I'm using sax parsing.

After displaying the datastructure, the user could do some operation on this, like search etc.

Can any of you suggest a method, to support larger files ? What I'm looking for is create the datastructure in file system, rather than in memory.

Thanks in Advance.

18 years ago
Hello Experts,

I'm stuck with trying to construct an Xpath expression. I have an xml document resembling the following:

<record id="1">
<field id="220" value="Red" />
<field id="221" value="Small" />
<field id="222" value="25" />
<record id="2">
<field id="220" value="Red" />
<field id="221" value="Large" />
<field id="222" value="50" />

I want to return the record where the value of the field with id=220 is "Red" AND where the value of the field with id="221" is "Large".

In other words, I want to find a parent node based on the attributes of 2 of its element children.

Can you help?

Greatly appreaciate your help. let me try something as you suggested.

by the way, do you have any idea to prevent the user accessing the product after the license is being expired, by changing the system date ?
19 years ago
I was not talking about storing the license key inside the source code. But the key with I would encrypt the license key. Confusing ?

What I was planning is some thing like, creating a license key, which will include the expiry date. Expiry date will be evaluated by decrypting the license key.

If I'm encrypting the license key using JCE or something, I need to store the KEY (note the license key) with which I'm encrypting the license key right ?
19 years ago
Appreciate your help. What I was planning is to encrypt the license key. In my case, online checking is not possible. Do you have any other idea.

I know if I store the key in plain text can be easily found out. And its not a commercial product. What I need to check is the expiry date. Program should not be run, after the expiry date or without a license at all.
19 years ago
Hi all,

I'm trying to implement a licensing feature to one our products using JCE.

I just need to encrypt some details, create a license key.

My Questions are,

1.How can I store the key by which we are encrypting (if we are using JCE)
2.How can I make the encrypted value (which will include some special characters) to a readable format. (like a HEXADECIMAL or ASCII String)


19 years ago