Howdy, (shikes, that sounds strange)
Anyhow, was just chatting with a fellow Cattle Driver and I was asking about which IDE is being used.
Now, I know my coding business colleagues mainly use the Notoriously Ubiquitous Eclipse,
but I've never breached the gap completely between vi(m) and a full blown IDE.
I went so far as to use Textpad years back, and currently I'm compiling and coding my
assignments in Geany under Ubuntu 12.04_LTS.
At work I keep to RubyMine, as I only create Cucumber framework tests, muddling around with Ruby
or just keeping to Gherkin, if anybody can follow me.
So what recommendations or experiences have we got here?
Shall I keep to Geany, or go the whole way? I do admit, I'd love the automatic functions of Eclipse,
displaying the API doc while writing code, adding packages as I go along and automatic extensions.
Or is it all "Hands off" until you know what you're doing, "go back to vi(m)", "don't bother us with your silly questions"
(Hats off to Blondie, TGTBATU)