Ravi Sengodan

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since Dec 17, 2005
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Recent posts by Ravi Sengodan

SoapConnection.call() method consumes more cpu, can anybody help me to optimize the code and reduce the CPU usage for this blocking call?

Please refer the following code

private static SOAPConnectionFactory soapFactory = null;
soapFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage responseMessage = null;
SOAPConnection con = soapFactory.createConnection();
responseMessage = con.call(message, endpoint);

Thanks in advance,
17 years ago
thanks William and Paul.,

Now it is working fine. The probelem has happened because of the xml api incompatibility. Now i have corrected it....Thanks for information....

[ December 21, 2005: Message edited by: Ravi Sengodan ]

Originally posted by Joe Ess:
netstat will get you as far as the PID on Windows.

hi joe,

Thanks for ur help. I have tried the command netstat. It displaying all the currently used ports along with protocol information. I want to know the ports along with the corrosponding applications. Is any other commands is there, like netstat?

Please help me out....

Hi all,

I want to know the port numbers with the corrsponding applications. I'm using windows machine. How to implement this?

please help me on this issue....

Hi All,

I�m getting a peculiar problem in a java servlet program which I developed. I�ll explain it now.

I developed an application with w3c.dom parser (for parsing xml information) in java. When I execute my program as a stand alone java program, it is getting the results properly. But when I tried to integrate into a Servlet, it is not getting the proper results. Mainly the following statement (number 2) is getting problem,

1. Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();

2. String response = root.getChildNodes().toString();

In Java servets, the string variable �response� value is getting null. But if I execute the same as a normal (i.e. stand alone) java program then it is getting the results properly. I�m not getting the reason why it is getting null when I execute as a servlet program. If any body can help me in solving this then it will be a great help for me.

Thanks in advance.
[ December 17, 2005: Message edited by: Ravi Sengodan ]