prem sagar bojja

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Recent posts by prem sagar bojja

Hello everybody,
I am new to ejbs. I have developed an ejb component and packed it as FinCalculator.jar. This ejb component independently deployed successfully in weblogic9.2 application server. Now i have provided DAO interfaces implemented in hibernate.
can any one help me how to package this DAO classes,jars used by hibernate and my ejb component together?.. here i have a TestClient for ejb component as POJO class but not a web client..
my application structure is as follows..
Here myproblem is i dont know where to keep the jars used by hibernate? and how to pack all of these? .ear or .jar?
Please help me..Thanks in advance.
Ulf Dittmer,
Thanks for the reply.
But can you please explain it indeatail?.. when assigned value '\u000a' to 'char c' becomes newline characher, it should not allow the code char c='\n'; to be compiled...Please explain..
Hello friends,
Can any body explain me what's wrong with the following program..
public class CharTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
char c='\u000a';

gives the error message: invalid character constant.
if char c='\u000d' aslo shows the same error message..
but when the statements
char c='\u000b';
char c='\u000c';
char c='\u000e';
char c='\u000f';
are compiling well..please some body help me in explaining this. Thanks inadvance..
Hello Friends,

I have a problem in Struts with Ajax..
In my project i have folder structure is like this..
| AcademicFeeDetails1.jsp
| tt.jsp
| /test/AcademicFeeDetails2.jsp

and i m using Ajax to populate dynamic selection box..

my Ajax code in AcademicFeeDetails.jsp is like this

xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = populateSecondbox;"GET", url , false );
and my struts-cofig.xml action mapping is like
<action path="/test" type="com.artifacts.TestAction"/>

and in my web.xml i have kept AcademicFeeDetails1.jsp as welcome file like

Now my problem is when i run AcademicFeeDetais1.jsp then i m getting response from action class and everything is going fine..

But when i run the same peice of code from AcademicFeeDetials2.jsp i m getting no respone as there can be problem in getting context path of URL..
and if i remove AcademicFeeDetails1.jsp from <welcome-file> then aslo not getting any response from action class..

Some body please help me on it..Thanks in advance..

16 years ago
Thanks Mohan for the suggestion.i have tried like your suggestion today.i am able display the static data.but i do not understand how to get the dynamic data into specified locale.can you please suggest me.
17 years ago
Hello ,
Here i am facing a problem in my application.In my company i am into a webapplication developement in which i need to implement a fuctionality in jsp. when user selects the language, the entire application data out put should come in the selected language. Can any body please suggest me how to implement this functionality or atleast give me some idea.Thanks in advance.

prem (scjp 1.4)

[BPSouther: changed "font" to "locale" in subject line]
[ December 05, 2006: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]
17 years ago
Hi friends,
i am new to xml and i dont have knowledge in xml..can any one plz suggest me the best book of XML for beginners..plz help me..thankz in advance..
Hi Friends,
can any one suggest me a best book for XML learners..please help me..and sorry if this question is not to be posted here..Thanks in advance..