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Danny Rebello

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since Dec 30, 2005
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Recent posts by Danny Rebello

Hi All,
I am getting the error messages
1)Unable to open the tag library descriptor: for JSTL TAGS
2)Unable to load class null: org.apache.jasper.JasperException:

Does Websphere 4 has support for JSTL, if yes can someone explain
how can this be done.Websphere 4 supports JSP 1.1 Specification.
and according to JSTL Specifiacatio,
1)Standard-1.0 (JSTL 1.0) requires a JSP container that supports the Java Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer Pages 1.2 specifications
2)Standard-1.1 (JSTL 1.1) requires a JSP container that supports the Java Servlet 2.4 and JavaServer Pages 2.0 specifications.

So how can this be achived.?
1)The jstl.jar and standard.jar are placed in the /WEB-INF/lib directory.
2)The .tld files are placed in the /WEB-INF/ directory.
3)There is an entry in the web.xml file.

Can Some one help me on this.?
Does Websphere 4 has support for JSTL?

Thanks in Advance
Danny Rebello
18 years ago
Hi All,
I have not been able to build the hibernate SessionFactory from
hibernate.cfg.xml file using the code
sessionFactory = cfg.configure().buildSessionFactory();
since the hibernate.cfg.xml not found error occired.
what I did was tried changing the above code to
sessionFactory = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
for reading from the file.
I have all hibernate2.jar and 3rd party jar files in my classpath, but I am still getting the error as :
231 [main] WARN net.sf.ehcache.config.Configurator - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/C:/j2sdk1.4.2_10/jre/lib/ext/ehcache-0.9
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError
at net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter.setTarget(
at net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter.<init>(
at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory$Generator.generateClass(
at net.sf.cglib.core.DefaultGeneratorStrategy.generate(
at net.sf.cglib.core.AbstractClassGenerator.create(
at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory$Generator.create(
at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.create(
at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.create(
at net.sf.cglib.core.KeyFactory.create(
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.<clinit>(
at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(
at de.laliluna.example.HibernateSessionFactory.currentSession(
at de.laliluna.example.TestClient.createHoney(
at de.laliluna.example.TestClient.main(

Can some on help me on this
Thanks in Advance
Danny Rebello
I have added the following code :
new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
but still the error :
net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: /hibernate.cfg.xml not found
is getting displayed

Hi All,
I am working on websphere 4 and have created a Java application.

My root folder is FirstHibernateExample and it is under
my java,class and xml files are under

When I compile the java files everything is fine.
When I run the application I get the following error :
net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: hibernate.cfg.xml not found.
In my code I have specified
private static String CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION = "/hibernate.cfg.xml";

I have tried placing the hibernate.cfg.xml in all the locations , but
still the error exists.
Can Someone help me on this
Thanks in Advance
The ActionServlet failed to load , There is no problem with
the testServlet as it works fine without integrating the Struts

18 years ago
Hi Everybody,
I am using Websphere version 4, and struts 1.1.
My web.xml looks like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< !DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "">;
<web-app id="WebApp">




Can anyone please help me on why am i getting this error.
Thanks in advance
18 years ago