krishna teja

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since Jan 15, 2006
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Is there any other way to know if a string is null, a part from doing the

Krishna Teja D.V.
17 years ago
The requirement of the application is to simulate n number of servers. In this case the application needs to assign a unique port to each SocketServer and listen on that port. But I am unable to create beyond 325 server sockets.

So, is this a limitation which OS imposes or can i increase the buffer size.

Please understand the situation. The application needs to simulate n number of servers and server the requests.

Thank you

I am developing an application, where the requirement of the application is to create 3000 server socket objects and listen to the incoming data. When I try to create 3000 socket server objects in the program, I am encountering an IOException stating that the BUFFER LIMIT is attained.

The program which is generating the 3000 Server Socket objects is being developed on Windows.

Q 1) Is this a limitation which Windows imposes?

Q 2) If this is not an Operating System issue then how do I get around with this problem.

Relevant answers are appreciated.

thank you