Raghu Nathan

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 16, 2006
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Recent posts by Raghu Nathan

You mean like

This did not work for me (unless I completely misunderstood what you were saying!)

Thanks for your response.
Hi folks,

In a very simple page, I am using a function, as seen below:

I call this when I have to pass display a message, dynamically based on user's input, such as:

Now, I want to have a hyperlink appear on the IRS text in the message and when I use an anchor tag, it just prints it (I used it with escape character \n and yet it had no difference).

Is there a way to work around this situation that can help me get a clickable link on the dynamic text?

Please let me know


Of course it is :

The missing "=" was a typo!
Thanks for your responses.

1. Han, Ankit: I tried to use it in a label tag - I later tried a div tag as well - but it did not work.

2. Eric: In firefox, I don't get the error console on the bottom left corner, like I do in IE. Is there another place I need to look for the error console in FF?

Let me know if I can provide any other input.

I need to show one of two messages based on what the users select in an html page. And I am using :

This seems to work only in IE8 but not in Firefox. I did some research and there was a suggestion that said this would work:

But this isn't working in FF as well.

How can I accomplish this? Are there other ways (that are browser neutral) that can be done to display the messages selectively? I need to ensure this works in IEE,FF,Chrome and Safari, at the least.

Please let me know!
Hello all,

I am getting a consistent error on a certain JSP. Let me try to explain the problem as well as I can.

There are two ways to get to a certain page; when I go through the first way, I see no problem and I am able to go forward.

When I try the second way, a portion of the page gets chopped and when I view the source, I see that the HTML has not been rendered completely and there is a error right in the middle of the jsp that says something like "Page cannot be built ..."

When I check the logs I get the following message:

2009-01-23 16:20:39,000 [http-8080-Processor19] ERROR com.epicentric.portalbeans.beans.jspbean - JSP Inclusion Error [beanID 634361852]
at org.apache.jsp.beans.connector_002dshop_002dcommon.jsp.ER_005fCompare_jsp._jspService(ER_005fCompare_jsp.java:1671)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:94)

Does anyone have any clue what this could be?

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
None of the following have worked so far :

Hello \n World
Hello "\n" World
Hello \"\n\" World
Hello \\\\n World
Hello \\\n World

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
16 years ago
Thanks Ulf - but I used \n also ;that did not work ... Should I be using \n within quotes? As in "\n" and have escape characters for "?
16 years ago
These are plain-text emails therefore we cannot use any html tags.

I did not follow the third comment? Could you please elaborate?
16 years ago
I have a text field in the database that needs to have carriage returns at various points so that the text is more readable.

I am receiving this in java and sending it out as an email; but when I do so, the \n that I have are printing as such instead of giving me a line break.

I tried to use an escape sequence and had the line breaks as "\\\\n" (for instance the text in data base would be: "Dear Tom, \\\\n How're you?".

Could someone please highlight how to get the line breaks? And what is the escape sequence to be used in this case?

Help would be much appreciated.
16 years ago
Thanks, Ulf.

I have the code to send emails as multipart - to send plain-text as well as HTML based email.

But that aside, there is no downside to sending HTML based email, is there?
16 years ago
Hi folks,
Are there any potential problems in sending HTML based emails (with minor formatting, links and line breaks) using JavaMail?

One thing I know is how a non-HTML based email client would read that. I saw that in Gmail's textual email reader and the formatting was missing and the links that were behind the text showed up "on the side". So I did not lose anything content-wise.

Is there anything else that I am missing? I really want to use an HTML based email rather than simple text.

16 years ago
Thanks Bill - I tried to use regex in a test case and it works just fine.
How is this different from parsing a string for a character match and replacing it? Is this faster?
Hi all,
I have a paragraph in a CLOB field in the database, that contains some dynamic content (like name etc). I have marked them, so I'll know where the dynamic content has to go.

Now, once I fetch the values for the dynamic content, how do I parse them and replace them in the original paragraph?

I have done this as a string parsing but that's taking a lot of time and I was wondering if XML parsing might be faster.

Please advise - thanks.