Shailesh Pillai

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since Jan 24, 2006
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Recent posts by Shailesh Pillai

Hello Ranchers,

How can i create and display Bar charts or graphs using JSP. Do I need to download softwares like JFreeChart or so.

Please help me out....

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
Hello Ranchers,

How to sort an ArrayList based on the contents of its elements?

For instance this is myArrayList,

After the arraylist is populated, i would like the arraylist to be displayed in a sorted form i.e. based on the empName (ascending or descending).

Is there any way to achieve this......

Please help.

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
Hello Ranchers,
I want to encrypt the passwords that i am storing in my database. How can I achieve this?

Does anyone have the code or can anyone suggest any URL where I can get MD5 algorithm to encrypt passwords that I am storing in my database.
Thanks, using session.invalidate() everything works fine.
17 years ago
Hello Ranchers,
How to Log out a user who has logged in?
Which one to use - session.invalidate or session.removeAttribute?

17 years ago
Thanks all for your reply.
17 years ago
My jsp displays data(from database) in a tabular format. In my jsp page, I do have some headings and other stuff, but i only want the data in tabular format to be printed.

How about the PrinterJob class?
17 years ago
Both, on the client as well as on the server.
17 years ago
Hello Ranchers,

Can anyone suggest me how to print the contents i have on my jsp page to a printer.
17 years ago
Hello Merill,
Previously, i had a post on Session Time out Problem. In that post, you specified in order to increase or decrease the session expiry time we need to do the following :

Specifying how long before a session expires can be done in your application server's admin interface or in your web.xml file.

Can you please specify what changes we need to do in the web.xml file to achieve the result.
[ September 15, 2006: Message edited by: Shailesh Pillai ]
18 years ago
Thanks Merill and Naseem,
Got it.
The problem was -
Before performing the null comparison i.e. (user==null), i had another session variable named 'StationId'-which i was storing in another String variable.
i.e. stnId=(String)request.getSession().getAttribute("StationId");

That's why it was giving null pointer exception.

I just put the 'null comparison' code before the above code. And now its working.

Thanks once again.
18 years ago
Hello Naseem,
Did as you suggested
But, still getting the same exception.
18 years ago
Thanks Merill for your reply,
I am storing the user information as follows in my Login Action class:

request.getSession(true).setAttribute("User", user);

And in the remaining Action classes when i am putting the below code, it is still giving me the same error.

[ August 27, 2006: Message edited by: Shailesh Pillai ]
18 years ago
Hello Ranchers,

On leaving the IE window idle for approx. half an hour & therafter on submitting the form (JSP Page), it gives the following error msg.

When i close the window & reopen another instance of IE window - everything works fine.

I believe that the Session may be getting Timed out.

Can someone suggest me, on Session Time Out when i submit the JSP page, how to forward to a JSP Page showing that the "session has timed out" - instead of the above error code.

Or else

How to increase the expiry time limit for Sessions?

Please suggest.
18 years ago
Hello Ranchers,
I have some values stored in session variables in my Action class.

And as i am forwarded to a JSP Page i would like those values to be displayed in the text box on the page.

<bean:write name="...." /> is an alternative. But how to display the values inside the text box.

Pls do reply.
18 years ago