Marcio Carlos

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since Feb 06, 2006
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Recent posts by Marcio Carlos

Hi All,

I cleared the IBM SOA Certification 664 with 92%.

I thank everyone for their continuous support

[ UD: Please post in English only. ]
[ August 11, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
The cost of each certifications is U$100,00.
You can take the two test in the same day.

Good luck,

Hello friends
I'd like to thank all peaple in this forum that help me to conquest this certification on subject.
On 8/7/2008 and today, 28/07/2008, I took the exame and passed all.
For all that are studing follow the objetive on IBM site and search in RUP the description.

Thanks for all
Congratulations giuseppe
great score!!!

Can you tell for us what free demo you used?
It's very intersting every one who passed sharing your experience with us because it's give more precisily direction where to study.

Congratulations again...
Congratulations! It's very good score.
What study case you developed?
16 years ago
16 years ago
Congratulations !!!... good score