Tim Jowers

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since Feb 13, 2006
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Deepak Bala wrote:

ramprasad madathil wrote:

Sure you can, as long as the weblogic server is started in debug mode and is listening on a port for debug protocol messages. Use the -Xdebug flag to enable debugging

For a clustered environment, wouldn't it be necessary to start a debug process for each machine in the cluster?


You should be able to debug each server in the cluster by following the approach mentioned above. In short the answer is yes

Short. But Wrong I think. One would think one could set the debug flags int eh WebLogic Console for "Server Start" for the server to be debugged within this cluster; but, this hasn't worked for me so far. Has anyone gotten this working?
13 years ago

Originally posted by Steve Wink:

I don't know what the minimum is. I use RAD and WAS and struts works on both.

RAD7.0.0.6 and WAS Works. Struts2-core-2.0.11.jar
Also tried 2.0.12 with some problem getting it to run action classes.
15 years ago

PATH has path to sqllib but apparently not being parsed by IBM properly. Apparently the space between "Program Files" causes it to fail. Launch from sqllib\bin folder and it works. Oh, here's some code that helps but still really doesn't point out the problem:

try { Class driverClass = Class.forName( driver );
try {
Driver _driver = (Driver) driverClass.newInstance();

Found the answer in a post n a ng.
I mean restart WSAD.
18 years ago
Anyone have more info on integrating Axis and Websphere 5.1? WebSphere 5.1 builds wsdl2java from Axis 1.1 and the classes built with 1.3 have different arguments etc. Looks like if you have existing webservices with WebSphere 5.1 then you cannot move to Axis 1.3 without rewriting. Also, WebSphere 5.1 itself has problems maintaining changes to WSDL files. One trick is to restart WebSphere for each change as otherwise it cannot rebuilt the Java files properly.
18 years ago