Satish Ramasamy

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since Feb 13, 2006
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You can always use your own custom prefixes. There is no restriction on that.

Liyaquat Ali mentioned that
${request.person.age} it prints nothing.
${request.person["age"]} it prints nothing.

Note that there is no implicit object as 'request' in EL. Instead it has 'requestScope' as an implicit object [JSP implicit object 'request' is not the same as this 'requestScope']. In your code, it prints nothing because
1. the EL looks for 'request' in any one of the JSP scopes.
2. It couldn't find any. It returns null.
3. Since EL is null friendly, it promptly prints nothing.

Try using ${requestScope.person.age}, you would throw the same exception.
You can use the JSTL import tag to include the content of a file from another server.

Amit, Dhanesh,
Those statements are not possible. It could be a typo in the question.

Good point. But the question is NOT about staticHash being accessed from only one thread, it is about the variable sb being accessed from a single thread at a time.
In this case even though Hashtable is synchronized by default, but the objects stored in it are not. i.e. you can have reference to the same object(sb) stored in the staticHash in two different threads at a time.
For example,
in strBuf = staticHash.get("sb"); statement, only one thread at a time can perform the get() operation, but once the operation is complete both the threads would have reference to the same StringBuffer object (strBuf).

Hence as per this question, option A is not correct (since more than one thread can access the same StringBuffer object).
Thanks for the comments.

Yes, I do read specifications but I tend to IGNORE reading information/details that were NOT mentioned in HFSJ book. For example, I read only those page-directive attributes (in the Spec) that were mentioned in the HFSJ. I don't even bother to look into other attributes detail. Hence, I would be in trouble if HFSJ doesn't cover every detail required for the exam.
In the third para above... it should be
"...spec details that are NOT mentioned in the HFSJ ..."
I am still preparing for the exam using HFSJ (reading second time). Haven't taken any mock-ups yet.

I know that one could clear this exam by using HFSJ book. I would like to know whether one could score 100% by using this book?? In other words, does this book cover EVERY detail required for the exam?

As the spec is bit lengthy, I don't concentrate much on the spec details that are NOT provided in the HFSJ (assuming they are not covered in the exam). Is this correct methodology to score 100%? (I understand that scoring 100% doesn't always mean that one knows a to z in that technology).

Please advice.
You guys are scaring me.

I am reading HFSJ for the second time and I didn't come across this method isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() in the book.

Please advice whether I should refer some other book also for the exam. I thought that this book would provide every detail to score 100%.

I do read the Specification but I don't concentrate on methods/details that are not there in HFSJ book, assuming they won't be asked in the exam. Please advice whether I am doing the correct thing for scoring 100%(only from the exam perspective, though I understand that scoring 100% doesn't mean that I know a to z in Servlets/JSP).
As per the Servlet specification, the container would ignore any headers set after the response has been committed.
This correction is given in errata.

The following has to be added in the option C:
" and handles a request identified as being a part of the same session."
The dot operator works only when the left operand is a Bean or Map.

In case of ${mybean["objects"].a}, mybean["objects"] would be evaluated to a List object (which obviously doesn't have a property called "a") hence it results in error.
I think you are correct. It should have been the forwarding servlet's path and not the forwarded servlet's path.
<jsp-version> was mandatory in TLD files for JSP1.2 version. Its not available in JSP2.0 tld files.
I want to score 100% in SCWCD 1.4. Please provide tips for the same.

Planning to take the exam in another one month. Started preparing, going through HFSJ (for the second time now). Reading the specifications also simultaneously.

Would like to know:
1. HFSJ sometimes asks to Relax by saying that few things won't be covered in the exam. Can I go by that word? (like only few page directive attributes, JSTL tags,... would need to be known in the exam perspective)

2. Since I may not have time to study the entire Spec, I thought of reading only those which is covered by HFSJ.

Did anybody come across any questions in the exam that was not covered in HFSJ?

Please provide any other tips to score 100%.