Brandi L Love

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since Feb 22, 2006
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Recent posts by Brandi L Love

Thanks, now my text boxes are the size I want them to be! Now, though, the text boxes are all lining up on the right edge of the largest text boxes and I want them to line up on the left edge. I'm guessing this has something to to with

but I'm not sure how to fix it. I tried changing relative to west and that just screwed everything up.
18 years ago
Hello! I am wondering how I can modify this code correctly so that the size of the text boxes are limited. I've set a size but when I compile and run the text boxes are all a uniform size. I think the problem is that the GridBagLayout I'm using forces them to size to the window but I'm not sure how to change that. Any help would be greatly appreciated! The code is below...

18 years ago