Hi all,
Today I passed SCJP with a score of 77%. God is great. The exam was ok.(30% real easy ones, 30% medium ones, this if you read Kathy properly you can answer each one of them), 30% hard ones - this if you program a lot or if you have working experience you can answer, 10% real hard ones - if u r a genius). I do not have any working experience and I have two kids and I am so busy all the time so I could not prepare like 8 hours a day nothing to worry about. Kathy abd Bert's book is really worth buying.
I really like to thank Kathy and Bert for their wonderful book. This book is not only helpful but also helpful in boosting your spirit. Let me not forget to tell about the sense of humor. I really needed all that and my family used to ask me " what is so funny in there? U r studying Java2, right?".
Here is how I prepared for the exam.
1. I read the Java book(by Kathy and Bert) for two months. During these two months, I studied whenever i got time(from 15 minutes to two hours.
2. Next one month, I spent time writing few little programs and Dan's mock exam.
3. Last month, I spent time on giving Marcus's exam(thye are really good ones. It is only ten dollars and it is worth every penny. (Thanks, Marcus)
and my second revision(Java book).
4. The very last week, I tried the Master Exam CD(comes along with the book), And I tried directly closed exam, i got 77% the same score. I was very disappointed. I was very nervous. I read Kathy the third time and I tried Marcus and Kathy's Master+ bonus exam again. My scre really improved a lot.
5. I was tempted to postpone. Then I revisited kathy again. There you go, I felt better.Whenever my spirit went down, I used to run for the book. Atleast, three questions came from the book itself. I went for the exam. I am happy about my score. ( I repeat ....I have two school going very demanding kids(with all their extra curricular activities) and my husband is also very busy in his work.)
I want to thank my husband who did all the work (laundry, dishwashing, cooking , and teach me garbage collection , and what not... this last week, he did so much for me).
Which exam should i give now if i want to get a job?
Thanks everyone.