Romario Dominic

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since Feb 27, 2006
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Recent posts by Romario Dominic

I deployed an application in Tomcat.The source files are compiled.But the problem is when I try to access the application using the URL the application doesn't work.The url seems to be right .i.e http://localhost:8080/Test where Test is the name of the application under the folder Webapps.Pls advise.Not sure if the information I supplied is sufficient.

18 years ago
Any idea about the best open source tools available for construction of Sequence Diagrams and Class Diagrams.Is ArgoUML a good tool?
Pls advise.

Thanks for the reply.I really appreciate it.
18 years ago
Any idea why HashTable is considered historic?It seems like HashMap is a better way to do things.

18 years ago
If I write a webservice in Tomcat would that be a demonstration of SOA?After all isn't that service accessible to the world?

Pls advise.
18 years ago
Is there a need to develop One's own Custom Tags today when there are so many ready made Custom tags available thru JSTL and Struts?

Pls advise.
18 years ago
How does a servlet handle multiple requests?

18 years ago
What are the best strategies to cache Read Only Data in Java?

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
In what manner does Spring promote developing J2EE applications without an application Server?If it does then what is the future of application servers?

Thanks folks for the reply.But suppose I need to connect to the CICs part of the legacy system then JDBC connectivity is not the solution right?In ths case I probably need Messaging.

I was trying to create a war file in Eclipse for a Struts application.The war file needs to be deployed in JBoss eventually.How do I create the war file?I am
using the Eclipse IDE,the evaluation version of a plugin from MyEclipse for creating the Web Project and the JBoss IDE which integrates with Eclipse.

Is Trigyn Technologies a good company to work for?Any idea?

18 years ago
I have a pretty basic question.Is SOAP the default messaging protocol when one writes a Web Service in Java?Or is SOAP not really required when one writes a Java Seb Service?

18 years ago
Hey folks,
I used the Eclipse plugin(from the myEclipse website) to create a Web project.
The sample application I created is a Struts based one.Now my question is how do I create a war or an EAR file which I could deploy in JBoss.Do I need to JBoss IDE for this?
