Andrew Romanenco

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since Feb 28, 2006
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couple months ago I migrated from subversion based source code management to GIT one. While svn, cvs are client-server application, git is fully distributable system - this brings many advantages for teams and individual developers.
There are lot of articles about git in web and youtube. I also published one:
it was written for my team, when we decided to migrate. So if you are using svn(cvs), article will be useful for you too:


Imagine that you have application based on JMS. It uses queues A, B and so on.
Application admins should be able to "browse" these queues: view how much messages are in each queue, may be view some of messages and so on.

For example: if some end user will report that he can not get messages, admin should be able to search queues.

So I need some kind of jms administration tool. What tools do you use?
For now application uses JBoss Messaging

thanks you!
Naming with case description is good for small classes. On fail it is 100% where the problem is.
But it will be hard to get code coverage...
16 years ago

Could you share your experience how do you (your company) test code?
We are using JUnit 4, and we have naming convention for all test methods.

after annotation @Test, we give each method name

and so on

but sometimes we have to make more then one test case for one method.

For example: we want to test makeSearch(...) with different parameters.

We have two possible solutions:
1. put all checks in one method, like:
public testMakeSearch() {

2. make one test method for each case

Variant 1 is not too good, as we will not see what cases are ok - we will see fail after first fail.

Variant 2 is better, but I don't know which naming convention to use...


but as I know "_" is not recommended in names (but not resticted)

how do you resolve this?

16 years ago
Hi, All

I have java class which I want to use in other system (for example delphi). I would like to use class as COM or DCOM object. This will allow using it in any windows application.
I have found a lot of bridges, but they allow access to com/dcom objects from java. Not to java classes as COM.

Could anybody give me a link?

18 years ago