Zhaozhe Ruan

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since Mar 06, 2006
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Recent posts by Zhaozhe Ruan

"All configuration must be done via a GUI, and must be persistent between runs of the program. Such configuration information must be stored in a file called suncertify.properties which must be located in the current working directory"

anyone could explain to me what does this mean"must be persistent between runs of the program"?

does it mean i must display the connect information last time, or just record down these information to the file 'suncertify.properties"
can i call a main() from another main()?
i'm on the track of packaging my stuff, but i have a question
for the executable jar file 'runme.jar', I need to start the programs as
java -jar runme.jar server;
java -jar runme.jar client;
java -jar runme.jar ;

but i have a main() class for client, and another main()class for the server
can I make two excutable jar files "client.jar" , "server.jar". and make them under the "runme.jar"

but when i do that, i can not use the form "java -jar runme.jar [mode]"

anyone can help me to resolve this? thanks
I've tried your way, but when I try to connect from client to server, connection was refused, could you give me some suggestions?

could anyone tell me if i can start the server without run rmiregistry first?

i wanna start the server with "localhost" "port"
but if I rum "rmiregistry 1024", i could only assign the "port" 1024, or I can not start the server
Hey,Mihai Radulescu

could you tell me in the configuration window, how do you make the file browser for choosing the database path,thanks a lot
when I start the server, it only works with "localhost,1099", when I change the port to other numbers like "1024", the server start fails.

Could anyone tell me why?

The operating mode(Non-Network mode) is selected using the single command line argument that is permitted. Architecturally, this mode must use the database and GUI from the networked form, but must not use the network server code at all.

this is part of my assignment instructions

could anyone explain "Architecturally, this mode must use the database and GUI from the networked form", what does it mean?

means i could only have one GUI file for standalone and network mode?

is that possible to have to GUI files for two modes
when I run the command "rmic", only got _stub file, could anyone tell me why no _skeleton file

could anyone tell me if i can use the java.awt.*package when I develop the GUI during the SCJD exam,thanks

I've got a .db file( a non-ralational database file), is there anyone could tell me how to access it(query,update...), can i use SQL or just operating on it as a text file, thanks
The question is
The package favorite.fruits contains different classes for different fruits.Mango,Orange and Apple are some of the classes in this package.Assume that all the classes from this package are compiled with assertions enabled.Given the following command at the command prompt,which of hte following classes would have assertions enabled?
java -ea:favorite.fruits...-da:favorite.fruits.Apple favorite.fruits.Mango
A. favorite.fruits.Mango
B. favorite.fruits.Pineapple
C. favorite.fruits.Apple
D. favorite.fruits.Orange
E. net.util.FTPMan

result is ABD, could someone explain why A, thanks