Robert Vilhelm

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since Mar 27, 2006
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Originally posted by Jason Moors:

I guess you could argue that the system is for agents not end customers and therefore they may want to unbooked rooms etc, but I think this is outside of the requirements.


[ March 28, 2006: Message edited by: Jason Moors ]

Background says:
URLyBird wants to move into Internet-based marketing, and hopes to be able to accept bookings direct from customers over the web.

I thing this is the point,
thank you.
PS: I looked over this sentence (It is spoken about CSRs a few sentences above).
Hi all

I would like to ask somebody for your opinion, who has already faced this problem. (english is my second foreign language)

The text values (db-1x2.db) shorter than its max length are not terminated with null ('\0'), but followed with space ' ' without '\0'

But the specification exactly says:

All text values, and all fields (which are text only), contain only 8 bit characters, null terminated if less than the maximum length for the field.

I see thwo posibilities
1) I do exactly what specification says.
The spaces ' ' will be a part of the text value.
2) The right spaces will be truncated.

Thank you for your interest.
PS: Maybe it is not about the most complicated problem, but who knows

Originally posted by Jason Moors:
I think there are two ways you can handle this requirement.

1) Filter Records in the business layer (not in the DB layer), so that only rooms that are available within the next 48 hours are displayed in the GUI.

2) Display all records but if a user selects a room that is not available in the next 48 hours, display an error message.

(the english is my second foreign language too)
I would prefer another option based on the first one.
I would display all records matching user's search criteria, but the unavailable ones could be marked for instance with red color. The tray to book these records should invoke an error message. (The "booking button can bee disabled as well)
The reason: User can bee confused with an empty search result especially when he knows that such a record exists.

SCJP 1.4
SCJD - URLyBird in progress
Hello world! :-)

I passed SCJP1.4 on 6th January 2006.
It could have been better.

I downloaded an assigmnet for SCJD (URLyBird - 1.3.2) a week ago.

I would like to say hallo to all members, hello

I'm confused with one Problem now (may be I am wrong)- content of the db-1x2.db file.
File db-1x2.db does not comply the format.
"If text values are less then the maximum length, they must be terminated with 0x0 (null). " Text values are not terminated with null in delivered DB, but the rest of values' space is filled with space (0x20) out.

Am I wrong? There is a hotel named "Excelsior " maybe! :-)

Thank you, Java Ranch!


SCJP (85%)
SCJD (in progress)
18 years ago