Vinoth Kumar S.

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since Apr 04, 2006
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Recent posts by Vinoth Kumar S.

Hi Jothi Shankar,

There are two cases,

Case 1: When you Override a method in child class...

class Parent{

public void m1() throws IOException {}


class Child extends Parent{
public void m1() {} // You no need to handle any exception (or) not suppose to declare any exception wider than IOException

Case 2: When you Overload a method in child class...

class Parent{

public void m1() throws IOException {}


class Child extends Parent{
public void m1(int i) {} // You can leave it blank (or) You can declare any exception wider than IOException

Hope this will be useful for you...
Hi Ranchers,

I am using JDK 1.5. I have compiled this code. I am getting the output as 5. Give the reason how the main()[static method] able to access the instance variable.

public class StaticTest{
int value=5;
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println(new StaticTest().value);
Hi Shankar,

Comment out the printStaticValue() method and try to compile
Hi just comment our the printStaticValue() method and try to compile now
Jothi Shankar Kumar pls try this code. and give your valuable comments. This works for me.
Consider the following code,

public class StaticTest{

int value=5;
static int staticValue=5;

public void printValue(){
System.out.println(value); // Prints 5
System.out.println(staticValue); // Prints 5

public static void printStaticValue(){
System.out.println(staticValue); // Prints 5
System.out.println(value); // Error: Non-Static value cannot be referenced from a static context 5

public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println(value); // Prints 5}

In the above code both printStaticValue() and main() static methods.
Why the main() method prints 5
17 years ago