Jol Blazey

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since Apr 05, 2006
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I see what you mean about the problem not being hibernate. More likely to be a Jboss classloader issue. But then how do you explain that Jboss is loading 50 other jars and none of them have classpath issues? Also how do you explain so many others on web having same issue?

I ended up 'fixing' the issue by passing -verbose:class option to the jvm when starting Jboss. I know this is only supposed to print classes loading but it did fix it. Then I took it away again and the problem was gone. And to prove it was not hardware/os, the same happened on 2 pcs. This bug is candidate for the x-files.
the above fix is not a fix. Putting cfg in web root means that cfg then can't find anything else. still working on it unfortunately.
/hibernate.cfg.xml not found .. error in Jboss 3.2 Tomcat 4.1. Hope someone finds this fix useful.

Only getting the error on one development PC, other dev PCs and linux deploy server do not have error when the file is in /WEB_INF/classes - a strange one. To fix I put the file everywhere else I could think of eg. /WEB-INF; /; web-inf/classes/resources; hibernate package folder and error disappeared. Then I narrowed it down to the / <web root>. For some reason hibernate is looking here for the config file. So now I have a security problem with a config file in web root, and another unrelated hibernate error.