Hi what is a good book or other study material for the Java 7 programmer exam?
I see at amazons that the books are announced but they aren't yet out.
Any recommendations or ideas what material to focus on if I've got the Java 6 study guide?
catch(AvoidingTheQuestionException){ Actually, Linux with JDk 1.5 doesn't seem to support GIF writing in the standard libraries. I must upgrade to 1.6 or use third party library.
Dear friends, why won't this code resizing a GIF image work on Linux with JDK 1.5? It works well on WinXP with JDK 1.6. On Linux it just produces an empty thumbnail image.
[ May 03, 2008: Message edited by: Niklas Rosencrantz ]
Thank you. I understand. I want the code to be clean and it needs cleaning. What is does is generate a list of object in a JSP page. You can see the program work at this web page. I'll try not to use the session object and will refactor the method, maybe take out the parts that work with XML reading and randomly selecting a news item from an XML file.
I build a classified ads web project with a listing generated by a Struts 1.3.9 Action which "works" but needs cleaning:
I just modified this from Servlet to Action. Would you propose I also change the simpler case of viewing one single object also from a Servlet to an Action, or should I keep it a Servlet? Thank you Niklas Rosencrantz
I chose it when I had to do file uploads. It was the right choice. A good place for examples is RoseIndia Struts If you start from scratch now you probably want Struts 2. Or check out an example struts action which is my latest example (1.3.9)
[ April 28, 2008: Message edited by: Niklas Rosencrantz ]
The way I did it with Ubuntu was completely trivial, just with apt-get install and everything was set. If you want j2ee to reside in another directory I would reinstall it and try to use some installation option to specify where it installs. I myself didn't have to set up java configuration variables at all with Ubuntu. java and javac worked from any directory right after installation. I used to run Mandriva where I had to specify conf variables which isn't optimal for instance if you upgrade you have to change JAVA_HOME wherever you have it, for instance in startup files for the application server. My advice would be to avoid all manual configuration and leave as much as possible to the installer. Good luck Niklas
I believe you need to define a form bean and use the struts html:form tag. Here are good examples to base your code on: Struts examples I hope these clarify. Niklas [ April 19, 2008: Message edited by: Niklas Rosencrantz ]
Usually you won't have to compile mod_jk, just download mod_jk.so to the location you set in httpd configuration. mod_rewrite is usually built in with newer httpd installations or very easy to set up if you read the manual. Reading the manual worked for me with Arch Linux, Red Hat Linux, Mandriva Linux and MS-windows. If you post a specific error you receive in your configuration we can provide more help. Hope this clarifies somewhat. Niklas R
Dear guys, I've added features and fixes to my web app which works well in the development environment, want to deploy it to production environment where users are logged on, have planned like this and would like to know if this could be a well-working strategy: When I update the web archive and deploy a new version to the app server (Tomcat 5.5) I set it to /context2 so everything still works normal from the usual /context1? When the new tests work you deploy again and replace /context1, or change the links from / so everything points to /context2 and next deployment you replace /context1 accordingly. This way you'd be able to test the new verison once more in production environemnt with not logging off all users. Thank you Niklas R
[ April 16, 2008: Message edited by: Niklas Rosencrantz ] [ April 16, 2008: Message edited by: Niklas Rosencrantz ]
The two log messages are in different languages. There is something I've misunderstood since I expect the output from the two log messages to be identical. Could somebody please explain? Thank you Niklas
Thank you for the very informative replies. Indeed, my round calculation resulted in about maximum 1000 files per directory if you store a million files and have 3 directory levels, if the first 3 letters in the filenames are somewhat evenly distributed. I assume there would be about the same number of files starting with "aba" as with "abn" and that no three-letter-combination is significantly more popular than another. I can run tests on my thousands of stored files so far to see how naming of the first 3 letters is statistically. Sincerely, Niklas