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Rajul King

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since Apr 12, 2001
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Looks in interview are very important. You got to look sharp to avoid such questions. Your appearence should convince the interviewer that you have worked in the industry and can handle stress.
Next time, if anyone asks this kind of silly questions, smile and twist the topic to more UML and process related discussion.
19 years ago
Read some other posts in this group. HCL is a very rude company and you may be stressed while working there. Think in those lines, you make money for these companies. Any company that does not have one of its values as RESPECT, is not worth investing your entire career in.

Go ahead and choose SAPIENT and settle down for next 2-3 years. A company with bad name and with a reputation of hiring rude people may become your worst nightmare when you go look for another job down the line.
19 years ago
How does ACCENTURE work? Do they have any base salary for different locations. Why Bombay salary be different than Pune salary when living expenses in BBY are higher? I think there is a possible mis-communication that you might like to clarify with HR.
19 years ago
CGI always keeps hiring good people. If you are in Canada, check their web site
19 years ago
I think it is not a bad offer to get your foot into USA. If you are smart, you will not wait for one year for your bonus to mature. USA is a country of oppertunities. Once you are here, you can have a greater visibility and can negotiate a better salary depending on your skills.
19 years ago
Stay with small company especially client based company because they pay more and their increaments and bonuses are good. Once you move you ass into big consulting corporation, you will be stuck with 3% raise and 4% bonus. Avoid temptation of big name and concentrate on big money.
19 years ago
Depends on priorities of your BOSS. If he is not accountable for task A, he might never ask you. If you and your boss work in same location, it is very easy to judge.
Typically I will not do anything that my boss has asked me to do unless I know that it is his accountability and he looks good (for his boss or client) for doing a task. And if I dont like something, I either Deny or Delegate or Delay but never Do.
19 years ago
Raise of 3.5% is pretty good at this time. Expecting more than 5% raise in any job is "too much to ask". Typically a job change can bring as much as 15% raise.
19 years ago
CGI is pretty good company to work with in Canada. Very relaxed environment 37.5 hours per week with an option to work from home.
19 years ago
The best book i have come across so far is by Avinash Chug published by O'reily. Here is the linkWeblogic
20 years ago
If you are looking for learning an IDE, go for JBuilder. JBuilder. Eclipse has nice interface and does most things that JBuilder does but JBuilder is more flexible and more mature IDE. Learning JBuilder will pay off in long run.
20 years ago
No, All you may have to do is re-deploy the application.
20 years ago
Congratulations for having offer! My $0.02.. Join IBM ! IBM has a better name than Deloitte and their client's projects will provide you more exposure to technology and improve your market value in long term. Deloitte may pay you well in short term but long term you need a better stability of your career.
20 years ago
I had similar problem with new weblogic 8.1 installation on new Windows 2003 box. Unfortunately my network card was not supported by the new windows and hence i could never connect to internet. If you are connected to internet once, your computer hostname to internet address mapping is saved somewhere in the cache and weblogic server does not throw the host exception.
I resolved this issue by adding the following line in the hosts file.
<computer name>
Hope it will help you resolve the issue.
20 years ago
Mark Cade's book is very good starting point for the certification. Read this book from begining and you will understand the exam and its requirement. Cade's book also has a comprehensive list of suggested fruther readings after each topic.
Good Luck..