sandhya mridul

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since Apr 12, 2006
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Recent posts by sandhya mridul

getPrincipal() does return a cleartext username, but the password is not in clear text. Actually, no authentication on the other end should be required, but the java proxy that is generated from the wsdl (the web service is on the other application server), does not give me an api to pass only the username. It either takes no arguments or both username and password.
18 years ago
we have been trying apis in the and related packages, but are not able to hit on anything. We find that the credentials are either hashed or encrypted internally by WL. Can you help us on this? Thanks for your replies...
18 years ago
its like this..
a secured jsp page is submitted to a servlet. We make a webservice call from weblogic to another application server. Now this call needs to pass username/pasword to the other application server.
Since we are using basic authentication for the WL application, WL wil have retrieve the username/password and set it in the WS call. We are not able to figure out how to retrive username/password using WL APIs, so we are setting them explicitly, ie. harcoding them.
18 years ago
thanks for your reply. Yes i mean transporting the username/password for retrieving data filtered on the username. I am using weblogic as the client for the web service call. Yes the password will be passed as data string, but I don't want to hardcode the password value. Is there a way in which the weblogic api allows users to retrieve it at runtime?
18 years ago

Has anybody faced this issue of passing credentials from one application server(say X) to another (say Y)? There is an application on server X which makes a web service call to the other (Y). The X application needs to send username and password information to Y to create a login context on Y.
Thanks in advance....
18 years ago
Does the JSF framework provide any security against unauthenticated access? I mean is it possible for a hacker to gain control over the underlying resources (Web server, Database server etc.) through some vulneraibility (manipulating URLs, etc.) in JSF framework?
Thank you in advance for your suggestions...
18 years ago
Hello Stan

thank u for ur reply... i'll need to explore the different options and come to a conclusion depending on the architectural issues that we have. scalability is one such issue.

thanks again...
18 years ago

we are planning out a design for an enterprise application to

be implemented using J2EE. We have thought of implementing the business logic using stateless session

beans. Hence the session management would be done on the web tier using servlet API.

As the number of users is large (60,000+),

and state of each client would be saved in the session, what would be the best possible j2ee design pattern for such a scenario?

thanks in advance....

we are planning out a design for an enterprise application to

be implemented using J2EE. We have thought of implementing the business logic using stateless session

beans. Hence the session management would be done on the web tier using servlet API.

Could you please help me understand the impact of this on scalability? As the number of users is large,

and state of each client would be saved in the session, will this load the server memory? Is there a

feasible solution for this?

thanks in advance...
18 years ago

We are planning out a design for an application to be implemented in Java. For this, we are considering to use JSF in place of Struts for the presentation layer.
I am new to JSF and from what I understand, in JSF, the server executes a lot of UI code that is finally sent to the client for rendering. I need to know what effect this has on the performance of the application.

The execution does consume server CPU processing time, so how scalable is JSF?Since our app would need to support some 60,000 users would JSF be that scalable?

Also which is best application server to use for JSF?

Pls. guide me as to where I could find information on such and related issues... some website URL or book if possible.

Thanks in advance....
18 years ago