Anand Nuchchi

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since Apr 15, 2006
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I am working on the liferay portal with Jboss, and I want to create the ext environment to deploy the imple struts application, so anybody knows
please tell me the steps so that i can get the solution.

Thanks in advance
15 years ago

Am planning to implement the max. of login for the user.
If the user enters the username & password for more than 3 times,
the message should be displayed like "Please restart the application again".

In JSP the code is...
<html:form action="<%=(String)session.getAttribute("action") %>" method="post" focus="username" >
How to mentain the session in the Action class, please tel me?

Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Hi Merrill,

Thanks for the reply.
Ya i tried with your code but in output JSPpage it still shows the code,
Like "${((index % 2) == 0) ?" and the bgcolor working fine.
And i checked in the code it shows "Invalid text String".

And its compatible with JSP 2.0.
Will you please help me out in finding the solution.

Thanks ....
18 years ago
Hi all,

Am planning to display the records from the database using struts frame work.
The odd number rows should be with bgcolor="#99FFCC" and even number rows should be in bgcolor="#99CC99".
Means the records should be displayed in alternative colors.

And my code will golike this....
<logic:iterate id="av1" name="anandagentprop">
<table width="70%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">
<td width="24%" scope="col"><div align="right"><bean:write name="av1" property="propertytype"/></div></td>
<td width="27%" scope="col"><div align="right"><bean:write name="av1" property="postedby"/></div></td>
<td width="27%" scope="col"><div align="right"><bean:write name="av1" property="posteddate"/></div></td>
<td width="22%" scope="col"><div align="right"><bean:write name="av1" property="details"/></div></td>


Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Hi all,
Am planning to display the same HTML pages in 2 languages like, US-english and in Italy. Is it possible to do this...?
And as we are doing in struts frame work by creating Application Resources files.

Thanks ........
[ October 25, 2006: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Hi, Jaikiran,
Thanks I got information.


Hi all,
Am planning to implement the hybernet in my project,
So plese tell me, in which link i can get the pdf of other docs.

thanks & regards
Hi Purushothamann,
I got the solution.
Thanks a lot!!!
18 years ago
Hi all,

Please tel me the link to download the "org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry" jar file.

thanks in advance
18 years ago
Yes, I tried for Global.LOCALE_KEY but its showing error.
18 years ago
Hi all,
In my application am using struts framework, to build internationalization.
The Appln will be started by taking the computer Locale like ex:en_US(english). And the Home Page wil allow the user to choose any lang. Like Chinese or German in the drop down menu. If the user selects the Chinese lang. then rest of the appl. should display in chinese lang. only.
For this mine code is.....
----------This code wil go in home.jsp ------
<html:form action="/Home" method="post">

<nobr><select name="tname" style="font-size:0.8em;" tabindex="1" class="button">

<option value="en" ><bean:message key="en"/></option>
<option value="de" ><bean:message key="de"/></option>
<option value="zh" ><bean:message key="zh"/></option>

<html:submit><bean:message key="selectlang"/></html:submit>


------This code wil go in ------
String tname=null;

public String getTname() {
return (this.tname);

public void setTname(String tname) {
this.tname = tname;

------This code wil go in ------

session.setAttribute("org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE", currentLocale.toString());
// For English Language selection
else if(rEBHomeSearchForm.getTname().equals("en"))
session.setAttribute("org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE", new Locale("en"));
// For Chinese language selection
session.setAttribute("org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE", new Locale("zh"));

// For German Language selection
else if(rEBHomeSearchForm.getTname().equals("de"))
session.setAttribute("org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE", new Locale("de"));
The problem is, am not able to mentain the session value of particular lang assigned by the user. If the user selects the chinese then the home wil be display but for next further pages its again displaying in english only.
Please tel me how to rectify my code.
18 years ago
Hi all,

In my application am planning to to display in English-Japanese
And to convert Englist to Japanese am using the "" and I wil get the Japanese Lang.
Then I need to convert, Japanese to unicode but am not getting any converter to convert Japanese to unicode.
So please tell me in finding this converter.

18 years ago
Hi all,

In my project, am planning to display in different languages.
I added the few property files to ApplicationsResources files like German), Simple Chinese, after converting to unicode).
Now am palnning to display in Chinese Taiwan that is "" for this am not getting any conversion tool. And is there any method to solve this? Please help me out in solving this problem.

Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Hi all,
In my project am planning to display the JSP in different languages depending upon there "Locale". Am developing the porject using struts frame work. How to include in the property file regarding this information?
Please give some guidelines so that i can proceed.
"Struts has it's own i18n support built in" please explain me how it works......

thanks & regards
18 years ago
Hi all,
In my project am planning to display the JSP in different languages depending upon there "Locale". Am developing the porject using struts frame work. How to include in the property file regarding this information?
Please give some guidelines so that i can procees.

thanks & regards
18 years ago