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rafeeque mohd abdul

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since Apr 23, 2006
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Recent posts by rafeeque mohd abdul

Will anybody tell me that when container calls _jspService() method will this method calls doGet or doPost depending upon request or it doesnt call.
17 years ago
I am writing distributing web application using RMI.I am send Serialzied class object back to client.Using RMI.
My Question is?
I have to copy my Serialzied class in both JVM means in Clent and in Servler.
Is it Correct?
If it is correct then tell my why we are copying Serialzied class in both JVM.

Thanking you
17 years ago
Then why compiler not casting like you told.To my code which is
byte b=12;
byte c=b+1;
why compiler not doing byte c=(byte)b+1;// automatically
because it is casting automatically in byte c=(b +=1);
Hi Ravindarnath,
Is it means compiler do automatic cast in case of increment and decrement.
I know there is one role if you done any arithemtic on byte,short and char it is automatically converted/updated to int.Please tell me is it correct.

byte b = 12;
byte c = (b += 1);

I think byte c=b=(byte)b+1;

Is correct???
Thanks for answering.

Then that means all lettral are (int) by default.means 1 to ...... all are int.
I am confuse about datatypes like.
if I declare byte b=12;
then byte c=b+1;
then compiler give lose of precision error
but if I say
byte b=12;
then byte c=++b;
then it will compile with out error.
then please tell me with is the role beside this. I have more doubt like this.
I m getting runtimeException when I try to connect oracle database using OCI8. The exception is
Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:no ocijdbc8 in java.Library.path
Plz tell me how to solve this error.

[ April 26, 2006: Message edited by: rafeeque mohd abdul ]
[ April 28, 2006: Message edited by: rafeeque mohd abdul ]
I want to connect oracle using class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver class will any one tell me plz the URL for that and steps how to connect the oracle database?if u have example then plz give me one for each type of driver?
I want to know example programs of 4 types of jdbcdriver using oracle database that run on single system.
I want to know that why the need for 4 types of drivers if there is one driver is enough to connect with oracle.And i want to know at what situation use which driver.And tell me can we able to use 4 types of driver in one computer.
I want to know that how to use different type of driver.And plz give me different types of driver simple program.
18 years ago