Syam Sathyan George

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since Apr 26, 2006
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Recent posts by Syam Sathyan George

Thanks peter, can you give some insight into what are those additional benefits on using ListActivity.
13 years ago

Why dont you look at googles api for speech recogition -
And do a Language Dependant search words Column in DB.
The keywords should be ranked to find the highest matched row, TADA you got a matching word.
Google supports better things check the link i provided.
13 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
Whats would be the difference - if we create a ListActivity for displaying a ListView OR use Activity?
13 years ago
Great, but was it so tough to figure out ..
Any was you have found the right solution
14 years ago
If you are using LCDUI Form, then options of scrolling is limited.
Use some other UI kit or use Canvas and implement your own Map/Image navigation screen
14 years ago
He is right,

What you need is a Image Scale function.
Change the image scale ration based on command or user interaction in Form/Item.
15 years ago
Will get back tomorrow
15 years ago
Lokesh have you understood the question fully?
He is asking how to send a byte array from j2me client to servlet and vice versa.
So i think its better not to refer javascript and jsp here


In Client
Open an HttpConnection ( and cast it to an HttpConnection)
1,Open the output stream and write your byte array.

In Server
get the request.servletInputStream
read the contents
15 years ago
I wanted to help, but sorry to say that i could not understand you fully.

1,You want the app to start and stop processes?Threads - not processes if i am not wrong.
2,Even on exit the app should run in the background?Some phones(eg Series 60 3rd edition onwards) supports multitasking. Which means you can hide your midlet UI, meanwhile your threads can still execute.
15 years ago

I had a look at your method and seems ok
But to depend on UI component for time update can be an inaccurate approach.
J2ME polish is accurate with the painting based on thread timing and frame delay calculations.
But if the UI of the application increases then the delay of the UI updation might increase.
So your time calculation shouldnt be depending on a UI element.
But it can be accurate if you use your own thread with a predetermined sleep time, wake up and check elapsed time, if its 1 min(as you might need) then update/do update/ else go sleep

--Syam Sathyan
(My Boss is a Jewish carpenter)
15 years ago
Sorry never used, but why dont you try something more standardised and popular, say:tinyline 2d Api or somthing similar.
16 years ago
You are under a sanbox security model under the kvm.
So without a platform request till now we were unable to spawn a child process or another midlet (within the same midlet suite).

I doubt its possible under cldc,midp configs.
16 years ago
Are you sure that this Question should belong to j2ME thread?
16 years ago
Yeap i hope so.
Never tried with GMaps but last year we had used MGmaps midlet in Sun WTK and it runs better than the actual device .
16 years ago

My question is, when this binary SMS is received at the client's mobile device, does the jad file and the content related to the jad file(such as jar files) get downloaded to the device at that moment via SMS? Or is it that only the URL is being sent using the binary message and the client has to visit the URL using a GPRS connectivity and download the content in the usual way?

You are right, the sms is recieved by the phone and on selection by the user, associated application is used to open the message.
In your case a browser, which opens/download the jad and then locates the jar proceeds with an installation.
16 years ago