Nilesh Shekokar

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since May 02, 2006
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Recent posts by Nilesh Shekokar

Dan, there were 5 questions on EL and on filters exam only test the knowledge about how filter execution happens.
yes Asif,
They will tell you to choose number of questions like Choose one, Choose two...

Hi All,

Yesterday I have cleared SCWCD 1.4 with 91%
It was very easy...

I was preparing from last 1 month.
I have referred HFSJ and Enthuware mock Tests

Best of luck for all who are preparing...
When we say ${param[name]}
the name attribute name must be available in scope.
like request.setAttribute("name", "name");

No! its not there...
see the objectives: only attributes id, scope, type, class are on the exam.

SCJP 1.5
SCWCD prep.
Hi Manish,

Congrats Man!!!
Best of luck for the Next Exam.

SCJP 1.5
Hi all

i am using WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.1
Whenever i use to start it,its starting the javaw service
and that is taking too much CPU memory near abt 98%
So How can i solve the prblm??

Please reply soon.... Thanks in Advance
17 years ago
Hi all,

In my project there is a dofilter() method used in HibernateSessionFilter class. In too many classes the Hibernate currentSession() and beginTransaction() methods were called but session objects were not closed

As i know A filter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the request to a resource (a servlet or static content), or on the response from a resource, or both.

The doFilter() also calls createSession() and closeSession()
So will it be necessary to close the session objects in those all classes or the filtering process will close the session automatically as it uses closeSession().

Please reply soon if anyone knows abt this....Thans in Advance
Hi all,
I wanted to know about the Hibernate Session Objects
In my project there are many Hibernate session objects created
for getting the connectoion. But they are not closed?
Are the objects Lightweight??
Because i am facing some memory consumption problem.The Hibernate objects
can be one of the issue.
So i wanted to know that should i close all the session objects??
If they are lightweight how much memory would they occupy?
Waiting for reply soon.

Thank you.
hi all,
i am using struts tags for jsp
like<html:text property="name">
i want to use the javascript for this form
in general we are using name ir id for getting the elements
but in these tags there is no name field
i found somewhere that i have to use the property for that
so can someone explain how can i use that
17 years ago
Hashtmap allows one null key and multiple null values
Hashtable cant allow anything that is null


It is given in the Enthuware simulator that
Hashset can allow null values!!!
is it correct??
hi Allen

This program will clarify that super() can have the arguments

class Dog extends Animal1
static String s="nms";

public class Animal1
Animal1(String name)

public static void main(String args[])
Dog d=new Dog();