lubna kausar

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since May 06, 2006
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Recent posts by lubna kausar

Hi Guys(specially David),
Sorry to trouble you with my incomplete code.(Issue is resolved now)

Basically flow of my page was..
user does search on the page, depending on the search criteria the result is displayed,
I was displaying this result using Logic:iterat and the object of this Arraylist also was made up of a bean object. (which was Form for another jsp).

and in the result one of the column was to be displayed as a link and clicking on it should trigger another action which would fetch all the data related to that "SqualRef"

and i did not want to save anything as session variable explicitly.

Finally I changed the Action class to DispatchAction and before submitting the form set the attribut of the same form to the correct "squalRef" and fetched the result and sent it to the success page of this action.

Thanks a lot David for trying to help me out with the limited info present in the post...
14 years ago
how will an ID help to pass a form???
also i removed the hidden tag.
14 years ago
Hi there..
putting the code here..

<html:form action="/searchAction" method="post">
some code
<logic:iterate name="SearchForm" id="salesDetailsForm" property="salesDetailsForms">

<td id="squalRef">

<html:link action="/openRequest">
<html:hidden name="salesDetailsForm" property="squalRef" />
<bean:write name="salesDetailsForm" property="squalRef" />

<bean:write name="salesDetailsForm" property="squalRef" /></td>
<td><bean:write name="salesDetailsForm" property="customerId" /></td>
<td><bean:write name="salesDetailsForm" property="custName" /></td>
<td><bean:write name="salesDetailsForm" property="pstn" /></td>
<td><bean:write name="salesDetailsForm" property="fnn" /></td>

<a href="mailto:<bean:write name="salesDetailsForm" property='salesEmail' />">
<bean:write name="salesDetailsForm" property='salesEmail' />

<td><bean:write name="salesDetailsForm" property="squalStatus" /></td>



The bold part is what i am getting stuck at..
i need to go to another page which is suppose to display all the details from salesDetailsForm for that particulat "squalRef".
is there a way to submit with this "salesDetailsForm " as an input for the next page without changing the scope of entire for to Session.??
14 years ago
The issue I am facing must have a solution but somehow i am not able to figureout.
Infact I have done it before but this time its getting too difficult.

I have got a search page wichh is associated with say FormA and ActionA.
clicking on submit it fetches data from database and using iterator i am putting it on the page.
one of the field in iterator needs to be a link which will be submitted to ActionB.
this link need to be associated with another for say FormB. because the data ActionB is to fetch belongs to FormB and should go to the success page of ActionB.

I tried surrounding iterator with a form. and putting a hidden variable with Name=FormB, which says FormB not is scope "request"
I tried using <jsp:setProperty with Name=FormB which throws null pointer Exception
I also tried putting name=FormB in ><html:link> itself n that as well says FormB not in scope Request because it considers "FormA only to be the active form.

it would be really great if someone can lett me know where am I going wrong or how should i handle this.

Thank you.
14 years ago
we have an exsting system which uses Hashmap to store some objects.
Now as the order is not maintained and the size of the maps increases it leads to performance issues as after retriving the objects we need to reorder it.

We are thinking to replace HashMap with LinkedHashMap.
To be on safe side I want to know can there be any other implecations (external implecations like methid name difference or something like that).

I can not think about any such difference but need expert openion before moving further.

Thanks Ranchers
15 years ago
hi there...
actually i already tried the normal javascript function calls..
but nothing is working..
tried with parent.framename.functionName();
parent.frames.item("frameName").functionName(); etc.
but the function is not being called!!! n so i wanted to know if there is a different way to call function defined inside YAHOO.example.init!!
As m very new to YUI m not aware of the structure it follows..
Another HTML page here is HTML in another frame but same window
I need to call a YUI function(that changes the YUI button's state of the page).
I need to call this function from another page's button click(the other button also created using YUI JS)
How to do this?

Thanks a lot for the reply...
I understand the complecations but not able to explain it to the person who has put this requirement...
they just want it to happen...
currently i have worked on the request that we sent..
m sending the request i.e. reloading the google page frame on each keypress for the text box which results in the search being performed on each key press...
Hi All,

The requirement i have currently goes something like this..
I need to have multiple HTMLs in frames..
one of the frame contains a simple HTML page having a text box
another frame contains google page.
the requirement now is whatever i type in the simple HTMLtext box should appear in google pages text box...
when i try doing it using document.getElement... it says "Access Denied".. which is good enough from googles security perspective...

instead of having the google page if i incorpoarte only google search box in another simple HTML page i can update the textbox and perform the search also by submitting the page with action as that is not whats required...

Is there any solution to this?
can we update the textbox of google home page from our HTML page???
I have written a custom taglib class to evaluate and display the body content of the tag.
the tag is working properly in tomcat but when we use the same thing in our portal application it does not display the text which comes from a properties file using scriptlet.
in portal application if i put some random text it is getting displayed but when its comming using properties file it is giving problem.
neither text is getting displayed nor any erroe.
17 years ago
In my portlet I need to generate an HTML and print it.
the new page I am generating using the following code.
function printMethod(){
MyWindow ='','PrintWindow','toolbar=no,titlebar=no,width=800,height=800,scrollbars=yes');
MyWindow.document.write("<html><body bgcolor=#F1F8FE><table width=100%><tr><td style='font-size: 13px; font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; color:#003366; font-weight: bold'>"+document.getElementById('headerInfo').innerHTML+"</td><td align=right><a href='javascript:window.print();'>Print</a></td></tr></table>"+document.getElementById('requestSummaryDiv').innerHTML+"<br><br><center><a href='javascript:window.print();'>Print</a><center></body></html>")
It works fine with mozaila.
but when it comes to Internet Explorer
it blocks the content and doesnt even show the warning from where i can allow the blocked content...
so it does not even open the printer window in IE.
is there any solution to this?
hi ulf,
It needs to be the html b'coz its specified in the usecase doc. n in prototype as well.
now its must to implement it.
If there is a way to have the HTML on serverside please let me know.
17 years ago