Arun Chidam

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since May 08, 2006
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Recent posts by Arun Chidam

Hi Satyajit,

System.out.println(new BStaticEx().getClass().getMethods());//Please refer Java doc on what this call will return here

13 years ago
Hi Naved,

what your teacher said?

naved momin wrote:

Bear Bibeault wrote:Compile-time errors are reported by the compiler.

are you 100% sure
because my teacher says its not the compiler who give us the error in java

13 years ago
15,000 bulk emails?? do you know which email is sent and which not when API supports Bulk email?...

Refer Java API link here and faq.

Farrukh Jalil wrote:Hi Arun,

Your idea is superb, I will try it out using Java Mail API, but here one thing comes in my mind that
will the said API support arround 15,000 bulk emails?

Thanks for the reply,



13 years ago
Hi Farrukh,

I don;t know about Apache James, but you can accomplish the same using Java Mail API.
1.Create a table with data structure TO,From,Subject,Body,Attachment,WhenSent,etc..(i.e as columns).
2.For every email to be sent, insert those values into MailLog table.
3.Later run a Java program (say for every 2mins) which loops through each unsent mail and fires a email using mail API and updates the whensent column once delivered(you can also think of MultiThreaded coding here for better efficiency).

13 years ago
Hi Suresh,

Please read this link which explains about SessionManagement and check sample code examples here
13 years ago
You can do it either through client side(java script) where you control months and days from the script or from server side where you can redirect to same JSP when user selects a particular month and populate the days as per the month selected, also look into AJAX ideal for loading only partial data.
13 years ago
Hello Kerthana,

Check the link javac for more info on how to compile multiple classes at the same time.....

13 years ago
Hi Ganesh,

I was searching for a SCEA material for some time now and this book seems to be a best option.

13 years ago
HI karan,

see if the additional IF condition resolves the NULL pointer exception

Refer Java doc on when listfiles() method return null
13 years ago

kamal krishna bhatt wrote:what i actually need to do is i need to send some SMS on the basis of some event happens ,so to access that sms gateway first needed to give login credentials then i reach to have a SMS form in which i need to fill mobile no., sms content,maximum characters etc. and submit.
what i was looking for is to get the source for that page and set the values of specific attributes (i.e. user,password etc.) and submit the html form (as can be done in python) is there any way do that in java.

Hi Kamal,

Does your SMS service provider accept SMS via email?, it is very simple if they have standard email to SMS conversion, where you send email as per their standard format and they recieve and process it as SMS request....message format should be something similiar as below....

TO :
Subj : SMS Message for 0XXXXXX id:XXXX user:XXX password:XXXXX to:XXXXXX text:XXXXXXXXX msg_type:SMS_TEXT

You can send the above message using javax.mail.Message API

13 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:

Arun Chidam wrote:. . . it is 10 year old post

The latest post is now only 16 minutes old

yep, agreed
13 years ago
HI Kamal,

please see below a sample code to open the URL with login credentials, you need to invoke this code from a action event.

13 years ago
Thanks Rob, sorry i did not relaize it is 10 year old post
13 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:You could try putting the data into a Set, but maybe after ten years ( ), you have worked out your own solution.

hmm....i did not get your reply?, can you please explain why we should not use Set and what is the best option here?, 10years?? why we need to wait 10yrs to use HashSet? puzzled
13 years ago