Saikiran Madhavan

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since May 15, 2006
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I am sorry for my previous post. I am not able to delete it as well. So starting the same question as a new topic. When i run my default server i am getting the below exception stack trace

I am using Jboss 5.1.0 GA
Did no customization of the configuration files
Windows XP

i found this property in the server/default/deploy/transaction-jboss-beans.xml but i am not sure what to set and how its working. also i found socketProcessIdPort in com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.jta.TransactionManagerService bean in the bean definition file C:\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\deploy\transaction-jboss-beans.xml. The value of this property is set as 0 and i just changed it into some number. But nothing changed because of that.

Any clue why i am getting this error, and is it because of the JbossTS configuration?

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago

Sorry. I did a copy paste in a hurry...I am not able to remove the post as well.

As for as your question is concerned. I too checked the property it is trying to set but didnt find it. also i am new to JBoss 5.1.0 GA. You have mentioned something about jbossts-properties.xml. I am not aware of this xml configuration.

Also when i run the same thing in default server - in the server log i am getting a different exception stack trace

i found this property in the server/default/deploy/transaction-jboss-beans.xml but i am not sure what to set and how its working. also i found socketProcessIdPort in com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.jta.TransactionManagerService bean in the bean definition file C:\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\deploy\transaction-jboss-beans.xml. The value of this property is set as 0 and i just changed it into some number. But nothing changed because of that.

Any clue why i am getting this error, and is it because of the JbossTS configuration?

14 years ago

I downloaded the JBOSS 5.1.0 GA server zip and tried to run the server (all). In my server log i am getting the below given error message

also my boot.log is

After this i tried running the default server and got the following log

default server.log

The server.log is as given below

both of them shows some error because of Transaction Manager configuration. I am not able to figure whats the issue is all about ???

Thanks in advance.

14 years ago

Thanks for your reply. We too have solved the issue of us.
15 years ago
Hi Jason,

I am working on an application and where i exactly face the same issue as yours. We are getting some Syntax error javascript dialog whenever we reach our login page and the other pages are working fine. The below given is the code snippets for our application.



We have recently upgraded to JSF 1.2 and from that onwards we are getting this error.
We are using JBoss EAP 4.3/RichFaces 3.3.1/JDK 1.5/Spring/Hibernate

kindly let me know, how you solved your issue - also help us out from this issue.

15 years ago
I am not getting the checkbox using <display:column>

<display:column title="<input type='checkbox' name='check' />">
<input type="checkbox" name="msgChkbox" />
i am using hibernate criteria

Restrictions.eq("folderId", criteria.getfolderId()));

is it possible to call method from hbm.xml whose query like

select m.* FROM xyz m, abc f
where m.message_id = f.message_id
and f.folder_id = ?

beacuase in general criteria auto append the where clause
Is it possible to use criteria in above sql query in .hbm

We are having an object which has a collection (Set), i would like to save the set whenever i save that particular Class.

The Set has got many-to-many relation with another class.

The hbm file for that particular class and the database table is given below:-

the database table is as below:-

Mailbox table



now when i save or update Mailbox object i have to save the accounts set along with it.

can anyone help me out in this regard

Hi sethu,

thanks for your reply, actually your output works fine with JBoss 4.5, when we tried the same thing with WebSphere 6.1 its throwing ClassCastException for Integer.
It works fine if we typecast as Long .

why is this happening ? if you can give any clues will be helpful for us.Our development and hosting environments are different, we are developing using JBoss locally, but in our client end we are using Websphere 6.1.

Hi all,

I want to know, what Hibernate will return for this particular query

if we are using From query it will return that Particular Object of interest.But i am not able to figure out what it will return for the above query.

can anyone help me out in this regard

Hi all,

I am working with a webapp with JBoss 4+, SQLSERVER, SpringMVC.

While i am executing my page in the local environment (the above said one), my controller is working fine.

When i deploy the application (IBM WebSphere, SQL SERVER)in the development server i am getting the below stack trace when i access my page through the given link

the error stack is as below:-

I am using Spring-Struts tiles for rendering my pages and i have all the files properly in the respective config files.

its very urgent issue, can anyone help me out in this regard

17 years ago

I am working in a web app with Spring/Hibernate. I am getting the exception NonUniqueObjectException when i try to update my Account Object.

I am using Spring-Hibernate Template and i have written my DAO and tested it.

What i do is - user has to type the email id of an account and if that exists it will show the other details of that account like username, password, email etc.

When user do some changes in the the name,address or password and click the save button the same object has to be saved or updated.

Inorder to Check whether the operation is save or update, i am passing the PK (accountId) while updating the object.

Code is given below (Controller part):-

the high-lighted code is the problem area.

can anyone suggest me where i am doing the mistake.

thanks in advance

i got the desired object by adding the return tag...Thank you for your valuable advice.

thanks all

Hi Mark,

I am sorry for posting the question multiple times.That question has got similar problem like that of mine, thats why i posted it there also.

Thank you for your reply and i will try this piece of code in my program.

hi David,

I too face the same issue as you told, i am using sql-query in my hbm and instead of getting my specified Mailbox Object, i am getting collection of Object.

Can you tell me how to write the same peice of SQL in HQL and to retrieve my specified Object

my hbm file is as below:-

the high-lighted query is the problematic one.
The associated Account.hbm is also given below

thanks in advance