Terry Huang

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since May 16, 2006
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Recent posts by Terry Huang

well the value of the Map is a javabean called MyFile and I want to access its properties
16 years ago
I have a javabean called MyFile that has getter and setter methods for: fileName, filePath...

I store the javabeans in a TreeMap (which is stored in another Map called Database, but thats not relevant)

in my jsp..:

I get an error :

but if I do this:

I get the correct infomation..
(822582126_l.jpg is the key in the TreeMap for the MyFile bean)

anyone know why? and how I can fix this?
[ July 04, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
16 years ago
I have a javabean called MyFile that has getter and setter methods for: fileName, filePath...

I store the javabeans in a TreeMap (which is stored in another Map called Database, but thats not relevant)

in my jsp..:

I get an error :

but if I do this:

I get the correct infomation..
(822582126_l.jpg is the key in the TreeMap for the MyFile bean)

anyone know why? and how I can fix this?
hey whizlabs is a test simulating software. it's much harder then the real test and it is believed that ur real score will be 15%+ more than ur whizlab test score
hey guys i got a question. Ive already passed the SCJP 1.4 Exam but I still havent recieved my certificate package. I checked the history on the certmanager site thing and it says the package has been mailed. It's been a month already and all i have received was sumthing that looked kind of like a recipt. my question is do you have to pay for the certification package thing?

Everyone in the SCJP forum says you should go for the SCWCD next, why is that? Is it because it's the easiest one of all the other advanced certifications?
PASS THE SCJP 1.4 EXAM WITH A 86%!!! man that feeelz good..i also used the K & B book (1.4 one) and the whizlabs practice exam. man both of those were harder than the actual exam. I got 60~70% on the whizlabs (I only took the diagnostic, 1,2,3 and the final exam). just out of curiosity...how old is everyone that passed this exam? im 16, anyone around my age?
17 years ago

why is it that the overriden finalize method doesnt generate an error? the original finalize method from java.lang.Object declares that it throws a Throwable.

thx in advance
sry guys if this is really annoying...but jus wondering if ur allowed to use scratch paper or sumthing like that one the exam (im kinda a visual guy, have ta draw stuff to understand the question fully).

thanks in advance
im talkin' about the SCJP 1.4 one... does it still apply to that?
hey, im got a 70 on my whizlabs practice exam and a 64 on the diagnostic one, what score should i expect to get on the real thing?
thx wise owen, one more thing.. how long does it usually take to wait for the voucher?
hey hows it goin? ok VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION...how did u guys register for the SCJP 1.4 test? I was looking at Thomson Prometric's site and everything went fine until it asked for a voucher number. How did you guys get that?

Please Reply ASAP!

(This question is for test takers that reside outside of the United States)

why is the output "easy"?
