Nupur Khanna

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since May 18, 2006
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You can achieve this functionality using XML.
Load your data into an XML, whose structure you will have to define according to your database table design.
Next, you can use XSL to render the XML onto a jsp page.
The xml file can be set as the src of a frame and u wl be able to see the functioanlity u desire.
The toggle effect can be got by the following javascript code:
function showBranch(branch){
//alert("branch opened with id value : " + document.getElementById(branch).cname);

var objBranch = document.getElementById(branch).style;
swapFolder('I' + branch);


function swapFolder(img){
objImg = document.getElementById(img);
objImg.src = openImg.src;
objImg.src = closedImg.src;
18 years ago
Thanks a million.

The link helped a lot!
I have generated an xml using java code via jdom support(using org.jdom.* package).
I got to specify the xsl file that is associated with my xml.

I found a way to specify my dtd file but am not able to find a way to write the below written line in my xml file:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmlTree.xsl"?>
When I run my JSP I encounter the following error. What could be the probable cause of this error?

javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception creating bean of class com.patni.peass.maintaincategory.AddCategoryForm: {1}
18 years ago